Night of Terror: Air Strikes in Gaza

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By Shyla Gheek / GICJ

On the night of 17th March, a series of unwarranted, coordinated air strikes bombarded the homes of Palestinians in Gaza, shattering the 2-month long ceasefire. During the sacred month of Ramadan, civilians, including young children and women, have yet again become the target of attacks. The airstrikes aimed at schools, evacuation centres, residential buildings and public facilities that had turned into displacement centres. At least 404 civilians have been killed by the Israeli assault across Gaza. 

Throughout the night, the assault intensified, claiming even more lives as bombardments rained down on an already devastated population. The intention was clear—to instill fear, break the spirit of the people, and exert harm on as many people as possible. With no safe place to turn, families braced for yet another night of horror, trapped in an unending cycle of destruction and despair.

For 17 days, people have endured unimaginable suffering without access to food, fuel, or essential aid. Now, harrowing videos show parents desperately searching through lifeless bodies for their children, while others have suffered amputations and severe injuries from relentless attacks. The horror is unending, and fear grips every household. "We were frightened, our children were frightened," Abu Rizq told Al Jazeera, describing how ambulances raced from street to street as families arrived at hospitals carrying the remains of their loved ones in their hands.

Despite not formally declaring an end to the ceasefire, Israeli officials have made it clear that the assault on Gaza will persist. Talks have been further obstructed by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s refusal to negotiate phase two of the ceasefire since February 6. The war, now in its 18th month, has reduced much of Gaza to rubble, with homes, hospitals, and schools destroyed. The latest attacks have only increased the death toll, continuing the genocide of the Palestinian people. Without real action to stop these massacres, each passing day will bring new atrocities; leaving a devastated population with little hope for relief.

Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) condemns the ongoing attacks on Gaza, which continue to claim innocent lives and violate international law. The international community must act immediately to stop the ongoing genocide and ensure accountability for those responsible.

#Palestine #GICJ #Geneva4Justice #Humanrights #GenevaInternationalCentre4Justice


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