البرلمان الاوربي يتهم المالكي بشن حرب ابادة ضد الشعب

"Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is waging war on his own people. His government is engaged in a genocidal campaign against the Sunni population whom Maliki has branded as terrorists. Men, women and children are being massacred in relentless bombing raids, rocket attacks and tank battles, under the pretext that these people are all members or supporters of Al Qaeda."

البرلمان الاوربي يتهم المالكي بشن حرب ابادة ضد الشعب
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"Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is waging war on his own people. His government is engaged in a genocidal campaign against the Sunni population whom Maliki has branded as terrorists. Men, women and children are being massacred in relentless bombing raids, rocket attacks and tank battles, under the pretext that these people are all members or supporters of Al Qaeda."

اشترك في القائمة البريدية
الرجاء اضافة البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بكم في الحقل أدناه للحصول على النشرة الإخبارية الخاصة بمركز جنيف الدولي للعدالة