Item 9: Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance: follow-up to and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action
Joint statement on behalf of Human Rights Information and Training Centre, Centre for my Right, and Geneva International Centre for Justice
55th session of the Human Rights Council
28th March 2024
Delivered by Héloïse Carel /GICJ
Thank you,
The surge of extreme right-wing ideologies has led to the adoption of exclusionary policies by several European governments. Marred by divisive rhetoric, France's immigration laws and the political landscape in Italy highlight a troubling shift towards a continent-wide climate of intolerance. The normalisation of discriminatory discourse by political leaders not only legitimises hateful sentiments but also poses a grave threat to the principles of social cohesion.
In the wake of Israel’s aggression on Gaza, coupled with the damaging narratives propagated by western political leaders, cases of islamophobia have multiplied across Europe. On the 15th of March, in an effort to combat islamophobia, the General Assembly passed a resolution urging Member States to take steps towards countering Muslim hatred. However, most European countries, including France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and the UK, abstained from voting, reaffirming the pervasive reluctance in Europe to properly address islamophobia.
Additionally, the efforts put in protecting Ukrainian refugees stand in contrast to the rejection migrants of North African and Arab descent face, underlining the deeply ingrained racial biases within European societies.
Human Rights Information and Training Centre, Geneva for Justice and Centre for my Right implore European governments to reaffirm their commitment to combat all forms of discrimination and to prioritise the protection of migrant communities.
Thank you.
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