INTLawyers and GICJ on Advancing Human Rights by Strengthening Rule of Law and Accountability

Item 8: General debate on the follow-up to and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

Joint statement on behalf of Human Rights Information & Training Center, International-Lawyers.Org, and Geneva International Centre for Justice

55th session of the Human Rights Council

27th March 2024

Delivered by Alessandro Ghiretti /GICJ

Thank you.

Comprehensive protection of human rights can only be achieved by strengthening the rule of law and the due process.

This requires that all actors – States, international organisations, businesses, and individuals – be held accountable for violations of international law; and that victims be granted full reparations. In 1993, the World Conference, adopting the Vienna Declaration, recommended improving existing human rights instruments and establishing an international criminal court.

Today, the ICC sits in The Hague, but belligerent countries as the United States, Israel, and Russia are not parties to the Rome Statute, hampering the advancement of international justice. The ratification status of the Optional Protocols to the core UN Human Rights treaties is still insufficient, limiting the treaty bodies’ scrutiny that is paramount for the development of human rights law.

Regional systems struggle to enforce compliance with their courts’ decisions. Concerningly, Russia, in 2022, abandoned the Council of Europe and the ECHR.

Human Rights Information & Training Center, International-Lawyers.Org, and Geneva International Centre for Justice, 

- Reaffirm that human rights need to be justiciable, and call on States to ratify the relevant instruments for the adjudication of State and individual responsibility;

- Recommend that UN Institutions enhance the functioning of the treaty bodies and preserve the space for NGOs in proceedings;

- Recall that human rights are inherent and inalienable, and submit that States shall not be allowed to denounce human rights treaties.

#GICJ #Geneva4Justice #GenevaInternationalCentreforJustice #HRC55 #HumanRights #IHL #nonstateactors #unitednations #geneva #justice #viral

 INTLawyers and GICJ on Advancing Human Rights by Strengthening Rule of Law and Accountability
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Item 8: General debate on the follow-up to and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

Joint statement on behalf of Human Rights Information & Training Center, International-Lawyers.Org, and Geneva International Centre for Justice

55th session of the Human Rights Council

27th March 2024

Delivered by Alessandro Ghiretti /GICJ

Thank you.

Comprehensive protection of human rights can only be achieved by strengthening the rule of law and the due process.

This requires that all actors – States, international organisations, businesses, and individuals – be held accountable for violations of international law; and that victims be granted full reparations. In 1993, the World Conference, adopting the Vienna Declaration, recommended improving existing human rights instruments and establishing an international criminal court.

Today, the ICC sits in The Hague, but belligerent countries as the United States, Israel, and Russia are not parties to the Rome Statute, hampering the advancement of international justice. The ratification status of the Optional Protocols to the core UN Human Rights treaties is still insufficient, limiting the treaty bodies’ scrutiny that is paramount for the development of human rights law.

Regional systems struggle to enforce compliance with their courts’ decisions. Concerningly, Russia, in 2022, abandoned the Council of Europe and the ECHR.

Human Rights Information & Training Center, International-Lawyers.Org, and Geneva International Centre for Justice, 

- Reaffirm that human rights need to be justiciable, and call on States to ratify the relevant instruments for the adjudication of State and individual responsibility;

- Recommend that UN Institutions enhance the functioning of the treaty bodies and preserve the space for NGOs in proceedings;

- Recall that human rights are inherent and inalienable, and submit that States shall not be allowed to denounce human rights treaties.

#GICJ #Geneva4Justice #GenevaInternationalCentreforJustice #HRC55 #HumanRights #IHL #nonstateactors #unitednations #geneva #justice #viral

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