EAFORD and GICJ Urgently Call to End the Gaza Crisis and Israeli Occupation

Item 2: Interactive dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Statement of the International Organisation for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination and Geneva International Centre for Justice

55th session of the Human Rights Council

29th February 2024

Delivered by Julia Rowland / GICJ

Thank you.

We thank the High Commissioner for his report.

The 56-year occupation by Israel has affected all rights of the Palestinian people. Yet from October 7th, the situation has only become more dire. As of this moment, at least 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, and with the continuation of the war, more and more are at risk of dying from starvation and disease.

For the past 145 days, humanitarian aid has either been blocked completely or severely limited which has caused a preventable, man-made and unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Gaza. There has been an exponential increase in needs: from the deprivation of basic services and an increase in malnourishment, dehydration and displacement.

These restrictions have been imposed deliberately and punitively as a form of collective punishment on Gazans, and as a tactic to displace people.

Furthermore, the means of warfare chosen by Israel, such as the bombing of high density areas, and the destruction of hospitals and homes have led to immeasurable suffering for Palestinians. These are also clear violations of international humanitarian law, amount to war crimes and genocide.

EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice urge the Council, its mechanisms, and most importantly States, to apply all possible forms of pressure on Israel to end the occupation and ensure the fulfilment of all human rights for all Palestinians.

Thank you.

#GICJ #Geneva4Justice #GenevaInternationalCentreforJustice #HRC55 #HumanRights #IHL #nonstateactors #unitednations #geneva #justice #viral

 EAFORD and GICJ Urgently Call to End the Gaza Crisis and Israeli Occupation
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Item 2: Interactive dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Statement of the International Organisation for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination and Geneva International Centre for Justice

55th session of the Human Rights Council

29th February 2024

Delivered by Julia Rowland / GICJ

Thank you.

We thank the High Commissioner for his report.

The 56-year occupation by Israel has affected all rights of the Palestinian people. Yet from October 7th, the situation has only become more dire. As of this moment, at least 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, and with the continuation of the war, more and more are at risk of dying from starvation and disease.

For the past 145 days, humanitarian aid has either been blocked completely or severely limited which has caused a preventable, man-made and unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Gaza. There has been an exponential increase in needs: from the deprivation of basic services and an increase in malnourishment, dehydration and displacement.

These restrictions have been imposed deliberately and punitively as a form of collective punishment on Gazans, and as a tactic to displace people.

Furthermore, the means of warfare chosen by Israel, such as the bombing of high density areas, and the destruction of hospitals and homes have led to immeasurable suffering for Palestinians. These are also clear violations of international humanitarian law, amount to war crimes and genocide.

EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice urge the Council, its mechanisms, and most importantly States, to apply all possible forms of pressure on Israel to end the occupation and ensure the fulfilment of all human rights for all Palestinians.

Thank you.

#GICJ #Geneva4Justice #GenevaInternationalCentreforJustice #HRC55 #HumanRights #IHL #nonstateactors #unitednations #geneva #justice #viral

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