HRC52- GICJ condemns the unlawful expansion of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

52nd session of the Human Rights Council 

27 February 2023 – 4 April 2023

Item 2: Interactive dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the obligation to ensure accountability and justice.

3 March 2023 

Joint Statement with Meezan Centre for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

By Juanita Beltran / GICJ 

Thank you,

In light of the devastating human rights violations exposed in the High Commissioner´s report, we raise particular awareness about the unlawful expansion of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory ongoing now for over 55 years,  followed by violations of international humanitarian law.

The right to freedom of movement and self-determination of millions of Palestinians is being infringed by the expansion plans of the Israeli government, which imposes illegal discriminatory conditions on Palestinians. 9,500 settlements will be approved in the West Bank. If no sanctions are imposed, claims behind the expansion on grounds of safety threats will only perpetuate settlers destroying Palestinian property and leaving room for impunity. 

As detailed by the High Commissioner, consequences of such oppressive occupation are also seen in the destruction of the offices of human rights organisations. The continued harassment against human rights defenders and journalists diminishes their ability to communicate about killings, torture and unlawful detainments committed by the occupying power. 

Meezan Center for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice strongly condemn the incessant human rights violations by the state of Israel. We appeal to the international community to ensure accountability for these illegal settlements. 

Thank you.

HRC52- GICJ condemns the unlawful expansion of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
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52nd session of the Human Rights Council 

27 February 2023 – 4 April 2023

Item 2: Interactive dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the obligation to ensure accountability and justice.

3 March 2023 

Joint Statement with Meezan Centre for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

By Juanita Beltran / GICJ 

Thank you,

In light of the devastating human rights violations exposed in the High Commissioner´s report, we raise particular awareness about the unlawful expansion of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory ongoing now for over 55 years,  followed by violations of international humanitarian law.

The right to freedom of movement and self-determination of millions of Palestinians is being infringed by the expansion plans of the Israeli government, which imposes illegal discriminatory conditions on Palestinians. 9,500 settlements will be approved in the West Bank. If no sanctions are imposed, claims behind the expansion on grounds of safety threats will only perpetuate settlers destroying Palestinian property and leaving room for impunity. 

As detailed by the High Commissioner, consequences of such oppressive occupation are also seen in the destruction of the offices of human rights organisations. The continued harassment against human rights defenders and journalists diminishes their ability to communicate about killings, torture and unlawful detainments committed by the occupying power. 

Meezan Center for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice strongly condemn the incessant human rights violations by the state of Israel. We appeal to the international community to ensure accountability for these illegal settlements. 

Thank you.

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