GICJ denounced Russian's attacks on civilians in Ukraine

Oral Update of the High Commissioner

OHCHR periodic report on the situation of human rights in Ukraine

15 December 2022

Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Delivered by Sasha Granelli

Thank you,

Russian missiles continue to attack the energy infrastructure, causing enormous damage, which has put 10 million Ukrainians at risk, further the critical infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, and businesses are now in desperate situations of cutting off access to electricity, water, and heating.

In Ukraine the temperature can reach -20°Celsius, thus the war is taking a whole new turn. Residents, having had their houses destroyed are forced to live in centres for displaced people that are overcrowded and not well equipped for the extreme cold. Those who are able to return home, face unbearable difficulties in surviving as well as fear about the next vicious wave of attacks. In addition, the International community must put an end to all types of conflict.

We condemn the proponent role of certain States, especially the implication of Iran. This state’s record in other conflicts is well known, promoting armed militias with no regards for human rights, such as in Yemen and Iraq. Today, it is supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The international community cannot remain silent in the view of such criminal collaboration, promoting violence, and breaching human rights in other states.

Ma’onah (for Human Rights and Immigration) and Geneva International Centre for Justice emphasise that under International Humanitarian Law, any and all such attacks against essential infrastructure is prohibited. The international community must call on Russia to respect these principles and stop violations today. It is appalling to see that Russia still denies access to humanitarian aid in regions under its control. The UN member states must put pressure on Russia to alleviate humanitarian concerns with urgency and provide access in order to urgently rebuild vital infrastructures.

Thank you.

GICJ denounced Russian's attacks on civilians in Ukraine
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Oral Update of the High Commissioner

OHCHR periodic report on the situation of human rights in Ukraine

15 December 2022

Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Delivered by Sasha Granelli

Thank you,

Russian missiles continue to attack the energy infrastructure, causing enormous damage, which has put 10 million Ukrainians at risk, further the critical infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, and businesses are now in desperate situations of cutting off access to electricity, water, and heating.

In Ukraine the temperature can reach -20°Celsius, thus the war is taking a whole new turn. Residents, having had their houses destroyed are forced to live in centres for displaced people that are overcrowded and not well equipped for the extreme cold. Those who are able to return home, face unbearable difficulties in surviving as well as fear about the next vicious wave of attacks. In addition, the International community must put an end to all types of conflict.

We condemn the proponent role of certain States, especially the implication of Iran. This state’s record in other conflicts is well known, promoting armed militias with no regards for human rights, such as in Yemen and Iraq. Today, it is supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The international community cannot remain silent in the view of such criminal collaboration, promoting violence, and breaching human rights in other states.

Ma’onah (for Human Rights and Immigration) and Geneva International Centre for Justice emphasise that under International Humanitarian Law, any and all such attacks against essential infrastructure is prohibited. The international community must call on Russia to respect these principles and stop violations today. It is appalling to see that Russia still denies access to humanitarian aid in regions under its control. The UN member states must put pressure on Russia to alleviate humanitarian concerns with urgency and provide access in order to urgently rebuild vital infrastructures.

Thank you.

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