Sanzhar Aitkulov from GICJ - 49th session HRC - UPR Ireland

The 49th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

28 February to 1 April 2022

Statement of Association Ma’onah for human rights and immigration

Item 6: Universal Periodic Review Outcomes - Ireland

24 March 2022

By Sanzhar Aitkulov 

Thank you,

We thank the Republic of Ireland for its participation in the Universal Periodic Review and welcome the implementation of the recommendations as well as further promotion and protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms. 

We are concerned that over 92,000 children were living in consistent poverty, including children in one-parent families, Traveller, Roma and migrant children. We are also concerned that the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation made no recommendations regarding mixed-race children. The Commission had reported that mixed-race children suffered from racial discrimination and had been targeted for illegal vaccine trials. We worried about educational disadvantages, particularly among children who were homeless, with disabilities, seeking asylum, and in one-parent families. We recommend Ireland work towards eliminating child poverty and racial discrimination. We encourage Ireland to address root causes of educational disadvantage and support access, attendance, and attainment.

We welcome The Youth Justice Strategy 2021-2027 which includes consideration of the full range of issues connected to children and young people at risk of coming into contact with the criminal justice system, including family support and diversion from crime. We noted good practices to support students from specific groups, including sensory pods for autistic children, and services for people in the asylum system.

Ma’onah and Geneva International Centre for Justice strongly encourage continue to implement existing legislation and policies designed to give effect to the rights and obligations in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and sign the Declaration on Children, Youth and Climate Action.

Thank you. 


Sanzhar Aitkulov from GICJ - 49th session HRC - UPR Ireland
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The 49th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

28 February to 1 April 2022

Statement of Association Ma’onah for human rights and immigration

Item 6: Universal Periodic Review Outcomes - Ireland

24 March 2022

By Sanzhar Aitkulov 

Thank you,

We thank the Republic of Ireland for its participation in the Universal Periodic Review and welcome the implementation of the recommendations as well as further promotion and protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms. 

We are concerned that over 92,000 children were living in consistent poverty, including children in one-parent families, Traveller, Roma and migrant children. We are also concerned that the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation made no recommendations regarding mixed-race children. The Commission had reported that mixed-race children suffered from racial discrimination and had been targeted for illegal vaccine trials. We worried about educational disadvantages, particularly among children who were homeless, with disabilities, seeking asylum, and in one-parent families. We recommend Ireland work towards eliminating child poverty and racial discrimination. We encourage Ireland to address root causes of educational disadvantage and support access, attendance, and attainment.

We welcome The Youth Justice Strategy 2021-2027 which includes consideration of the full range of issues connected to children and young people at risk of coming into contact with the criminal justice system, including family support and diversion from crime. We noted good practices to support students from specific groups, including sensory pods for autistic children, and services for people in the asylum system.

Ma’onah and Geneva International Centre for Justice strongly encourage continue to implement existing legislation and policies designed to give effect to the rights and obligations in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and sign the Declaration on Children, Youth and Climate Action.

Thank you. 


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