Tiril Andresen from GICJ - 49th session HRC - UPR Ireland

The 49th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

28 February to 1 April 2022

Statement of the International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD)

Item 6: Universal Periodic Review Outcomes - Ireland

24 March 2022

By Tiril Andresen 

Thank you, President.

EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice commend Ireland for the positive measures taken to strengthen the protection of refugees, asylum seekers and migrant workers. We welcome the scheme for long-term undocumented migrants, allowing them to obtain residence in Ireland. We also support the government's plan to end the Direct provision centres by 2024. 

However, we remain concerned about the increase in attacks, discrimination and harassment, against migrants and ethnic minorities. Despite similar commitments in previous Universal Periodic Reviews, Ireland still lacks effective legislation against discrimination. 

The Irish immigration system also lacks a statutory right for migrant victims of domestic violence, to retain their immigration status. The Victims of Domestic Violence Immigration Guidelines gives migrant victims, whose status depends on their partner, the right to apply for permission to stay in Ireland on their own behalf. We are concerned, that the Guidelines do not cover undocumented migrants, as these women are the most vulnerable victims of domestic violence.  

Therefore, we strongly urge Ireland to adopt legislation that provides all victims of domestic violence with an independent status, and we also call for the full implementation of Article 59 of the Istanbul Convention. 

Lastly, we stress the importance of ensuring that the protection of refugees and migrants is in line with international standards. Hereby, we call on Ireland to incorporate the provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, as well as full incorporation of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. 

We also urge Ireland to ratify the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.  

Thank you. 

Tiril Andresen from GICJ - 49th session HRC - UPR Ireland
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The 49th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

28 February to 1 April 2022

Statement of the International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD)

Item 6: Universal Periodic Review Outcomes - Ireland

24 March 2022

By Tiril Andresen 

Thank you, President.

EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice commend Ireland for the positive measures taken to strengthen the protection of refugees, asylum seekers and migrant workers. We welcome the scheme for long-term undocumented migrants, allowing them to obtain residence in Ireland. We also support the government's plan to end the Direct provision centres by 2024. 

However, we remain concerned about the increase in attacks, discrimination and harassment, against migrants and ethnic minorities. Despite similar commitments in previous Universal Periodic Reviews, Ireland still lacks effective legislation against discrimination. 

The Irish immigration system also lacks a statutory right for migrant victims of domestic violence, to retain their immigration status. The Victims of Domestic Violence Immigration Guidelines gives migrant victims, whose status depends on their partner, the right to apply for permission to stay in Ireland on their own behalf. We are concerned, that the Guidelines do not cover undocumented migrants, as these women are the most vulnerable victims of domestic violence.  

Therefore, we strongly urge Ireland to adopt legislation that provides all victims of domestic violence with an independent status, and we also call for the full implementation of Article 59 of the Istanbul Convention. 

Lastly, we stress the importance of ensuring that the protection of refugees and migrants is in line with international standards. Hereby, we call on Ireland to incorporate the provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, as well as full incorporation of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. 

We also urge Ireland to ratify the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.  

Thank you. 

GICJ Newsletter