Press Release

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GICJ Stands Firm in Support of Peace in Gaza and Ending the Aggression 

Geneva, 11th of June 2024

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has made history by adopting a landmark resolution aimed at achieving lasting peace in Gaza. With a resounding 14-0 vote and Russia abstaining, the resolution, sponsored by the United States, outlines a comprehensive three-phase plan designed to halt hostilities and initiate much-needed reconstruction efforts in the region.

Key components of the resolution include:

  • A six-week ceasefire period facilitating the exchange of captives.
  • Establishment of a permanent ceasefire and subsequent release of remaining captives.
  • Commitment to extensive reconstruction efforts to rebuild Gaza.

The vote, held on 10 June 2024, when introduced by US Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood, highlighted this resolution as the most promising opportunity to cease the conflict temporarily. The Biden administration has shown initiative in driving this resolution, increasing pressure on Israel to comply with its terms; however, a number of members of the administration remain biased and vow to continue the conflict until the complete elimination of Hamas.  

While the Palestinian Groups have welcomed the resolution and expressed readiness to engage in indirect negotiations. Netanyahu’s focus on dismantling Hamas’s military capabilities presents a significant challenge to the resolution's full implementation.

Furthermore, the resolution reaffirms the UNSC’s vision of a peaceful coexistence between Israel and Palestine within secure, recognised borders, and it comes in the wake of Israel’s relentless war on Gaza, which has resulted in unimaginable human suffering. According to reports from Al Jazeera, the conflict has claimed the lives of more than 35,000 people, with over 70,000 others sustaining injuries. Shockingly, around 10,000 individuals are still missing, presumed dead under the rubble of the devastated Strip.

In the face of such devastating loss and destruction, Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) urges that it is imperative that concrete measures are taken to end Israeli war and occupation and initiate the much-needed reconstruction efforts in the region. The UNSC's ceasefire resolution represents a crucial step towards achieving this goal and providing hope for a future of peace and stability in Gaza if the international community stays steadfast in its commitment to support Gaza against the occupying power. 

The humanitarian situation in Gaza has grown significantly worse in 2024 as the Israeli army blocks the arrival of aid and has effectively imposed starvation as a weapon of war. Nearly all 2.3 million people trapped in Gaza now face starvation, with the UN saying famine will take hold in various parts of Gaza by June.

Northern Gaza, which was the first to be decimated by an Israeli ground invasion, is the worst-hit – Israel continues to severely restrict access to the north, blocking routes and subjecting aid convoys to delays or cancellations.

Given the profound impact of the conflict, GICJ reaffirms its steadfast endorsement of the UNSC's ceasefire resolution of June 10. We assert that it is imperative for Israel to withdraw from all of the Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, as any annexation remains illegitimate. 

Furthermore, GICJ calls upon the UNSC to ensure compliance of Israel. It is crucial that all stakeholders uphold their commitments to justice, accountability, and the protection of human rights. The implementation of this resolution is not merely a diplomatic formality; it is an urgent necessity to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza and pave the way to end the brutal Israeli occupation. 

#GazaCeasefire #UNSC #PeaceForAll #GICJ #Apartheid #Occupied_Palestinian_Territory #Geneva_International_Centre_For_Justice #Justice #Geneva4justice #Human_Rights

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