Delivered by Naji Haraj / GICJ 

GICJ Executive Director, Naji Haraj, calls on the UN Human Rights Council to pay special attention to the appalling human rights situation in Iraq.
He affirmed that those responsible for committing crimes of aggression, war crimes, and crimes against humanity should be held accountable.
In a joint statement on behalf of International-Lawyers.Org and GICJ at the 51st session of the HRC, Mr. Haraj highlighted the documentation of thousands of forcibly disappeared Iraqis. In addition, the Iraqi youth and Human Rights Defenders are arbitrarily detained and killed by the authorities, simply by exercising their fundamental rights.
Finally, he strongly urges the Council to establish an International Independent Commission of Inquiry to investigate the atrocities committed in Iraq since 2003 to end impunity and brought justice to the Iraqi people.

For the original Arabic Statement - click here

Iraq, HRC51, enforced_disappearances, accountability, Human_rights_violations, crimes_against_humanity, war_crimes, Geneva_international_Centre_for_Justice, Geneva4justice, GICJ


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