By Namrata Hazarika / GICJ
“Although 80 former colonies comprising 750 million people have gained independence since the birth of the UN, the process of decolonisation is incomplete” said Ms Nada Al-Shifa, Acting High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The 27th Meeting of the 51st HRC Session, on the 28th of September, held a Panel Discussion on the negative impacts of colonialism on human rights. The legacy of colonialism lives on through
systemic racism, particularly against people of African and Asian descent. Their existence and perpetuation accentuate the need for the strengthening of the Durban Declaration Programme of Action, the UN’s blueprint to counter racism.
Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) urges member-states to take accountability for their role in the perpetuating cycle of systemic racism and partake in inter-state dialogues to address the impact of heir historical legacies. As recommended by Ms Al-Shifa, we call on the international community to work towards a shared narrative on accountability for colonialism, transatlantic trade of slavery and its impact on people of African descent.
HRC51, Colonialism, Impact, Racism, Discrimination, Panel Discussion, Regular Session, Justice, Human Rights, Geneva, Geneva4justice, GICJ, Geneva International Centre for Justice