Delivered by Isabelle Despicht / GICJ

On the 28 of September 2022 the Human Rights Council held a Panel discussion on the Rights of Indigenous People, followed by an Interactive Dialogue with the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP), experts presented their annual report.

During the Interactive Dialogue, Isabelle Despicht, on behalf of GICJ and Meezaan Center for Human Rights, delivered a Joint Oral Statement with Meezan.

Although Indigenous people comprise of 6% of the global population, they are among the most marginalised and discriminated societies. Only two states have contributed to the completion of the study on Treaties and Agreements between States and the Indigenous population, showing a lack of national interest in their plights.

The lack of efforts by States to prioritise the needs of said people is concerning. Hence, Isabelle highlighted the need for states for a renewed and concerted effort to include indigenous people in multilateral decision making processes. Lastly, she supported the EMRIP in promoting prompt and effective investigations on crimes against Indigenous people as well as working towards advancing the principle of non-repetition.

HRC51Human Rights CouncilExpert mechanismIndigenous peopleminoritiesland rightsself determinationHuman RightsGenevaGeneva International Centre for JusticeGeneva4JusticeGICJ

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