By Makaela Fehlhaber / GICJ

On the 21st of September, the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Myanmar, Mr. Thomas Andrews, opened the Human Rights Council’s (HRC) Interactive Dialogue with a dire statement – those affected by the situation in Myanmar have now reached “untold numbers”. Mr. Andrews addressed the HRC reminding delegates of his previous requests at the 50th session. He referred to the situation as a “disastrous coup” and warned that unless United Nations member states change their approach, the people of Myanmar will continue to suffer. He further substantiated that conditions within the region have turned “bad to worse to horrific” with 1.3 million individuals displaced, 28,000 homes destroyed, and the continuation of indiscriminate attacks in villages and schools.

Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) urgently calls upon the international community to respond effectively by implementing domestic sanctions against the military junta. Additionally, following the recommendations of the Independent Fact Finding Mission for Myanmar by placing a trade embargo against states engaged in military and weaponry support toward the entity. GICJ calls upon the international community, particularly the UNSC as expressed by Mr. Andrews, to demonstrate a unified voice and impose strong sanctions on the military junta to limit their ability to engage in their current warfare tactics. Collective action is the only way forward. This is integral to ensure the people of Myanmar do not endure further suffering.

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