Delivered by Namrata Hazarika / GICJ

On Wednesday 21st of September, Namrata Hazarika delivered an oral statement on behalf of Association Ma’onah for Human Rights and Immigration and GICJ.

She recounted that Yemen is facing one of the worst humanitarian situations of the 21st century. Although humanitarian aid is being provided, it continuously fails to reach the people it is intended for. Terrorist attacks carried out by the Houthi militia add to the already existing starvation, lack of sanitation, and lack of health care. Thus, the basic fundamental rights of the Yemenis people are being compromised, curbing any scope for development. 

On behalf of Maonah and GICJ, Namrata reiterated that the militia's deprivation of healthcare rights amounts to war crimes for which they must be held accountable. The inability of the Yemeni justice system to criminalise the Houthi militias perpetuates their impunity. To ensure protection of all rights under Item 3, she urged member-states to exert political pressure on the de-facto authorities to ensure accountability of human right abuses.

HRC51, Human Rights Council, General Debate, Item 3, Human Rights Violations, Yemen, Humanitarian Crisis, Justice, Human Rights, Geneva, Geneva4justice, GIC, Geneva International Centre for Justice. 

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