The Other Face of Terrorism - 33rd HRC session - 15 September 2016 - United Nations - Geneva

Side event on the Human Rights situation in Iraq under the title "The other face of terrorrism" held at the UN Palais des Nations on 15 September 2016 during the 33rd session of the Human Rights Council. (Arabic Translation)

Co-organised by the International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Speakers at this event:

Mr Struan Stevenson, Former Member of the European Parliament, President of the European Iraqi Freedom Association

Mr Sabah Al-Mukhtar, GICJ Vice President and President of the Arab Lawyers Association

The Other Face of Terrorism - 33rd HRC session - 15 September 2016 - United Nations - Geneva
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Side event on the Human Rights situation in Iraq under the title "The other face of terrorrism" held at the UN Palais des Nations on 15 September 2016 during the 33rd session of the Human Rights Council. (Arabic Translation)

Co-organised by the International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Speakers at this event:

Mr Struan Stevenson, Former Member of the European Parliament, President of the European Iraqi Freedom Association

Mr Sabah Al-Mukhtar, GICJ Vice President and President of the Arab Lawyers Association

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