Aws al-Khafaji, Iraq shiite militia leader, threatens the whole middle east

In this video, the shiite militia leader Aws al-Khafaji, says that the shiite militia "al-hashd al-shaabi" has been deployed upon the orders of the shiites religious authorities, and won't back up without receiving new orders from the same authority. He clearly threaten the whole middle east of waging a war of aggression after finishing with his enemies inside Iraq.

Aws al-Khafaji, Iraq shiite militia leader, threatens the whole middle east
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In this video, the shiite militia leader Aws al-Khafaji, says that the shiite militia "al-hashd al-shaabi" has been deployed upon the orders of the shiites religious authorities, and won't back up without receiving new orders from the same authority. He clearly threaten the whole middle east of waging a war of aggression after finishing with his enemies inside Iraq.

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