Aws al-Khafaji, Iraq shiite militia leader, threatens the population of Fallujah

In this video published on 24 May 2016, the Secretary-General of the Abu Fadhl Al-Abbas Brigades Aws al-Khafaji accuses the inhabitant of Fallujah of being all terrorists. He adds that it is now the opportunity to cleanse Iraq from the "tumor" of Fallujah.

Aws al-Khafaji, Iraq shiite militia leader, threatens the population of Fallujah
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In this video published on 24 May 2016, the Secretary-General of the Abu Fadhl Al-Abbas Brigades Aws al-Khafaji accuses the inhabitant of Fallujah of being all terrorists. He adds that it is now the opportunity to cleanse Iraq from the "tumor" of Fallujah.

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