Side-event - Give Peace a Chance: Karen Parker

Side event: Give peace a chance held on the 23 September 2013, Geneva International Centre for Justice in collaboration with International Organization for the Elimination of All of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD), Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF), International Educational Development, Inc. (IED) and EuroMid Observer for Human Rights, organised the event during the 24th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Side-event - Give Peace a Chance: Karen Parker
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Side event: Give peace a chance held on the 23 September 2013, Geneva International Centre for Justice in collaboration with International Organization for the Elimination of All of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD), Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF), International Educational Development, Inc. (IED) and EuroMid Observer for Human Rights, organised the event during the 24th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

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