and GICJ Call for Justice and Recognition in the Aftermath of the Iraq Invasion

Item 4: General debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention, report by the High Commissioner on DPRK

Statement of International-Lawyers.Org and Geneva International Centre for Justice

55th session of the Human Rights Council

20th March 2024

Delivered by Gautier Boyrie /GICJ

Thank you.

21 years ago, on March 20, 2003, American-led forces invaded Iraq, resulting in a deadly legacy of violence and destruction in the name of 'liberating’ the country. Its impacts are well-known within the international community, but not spoken of nearly enough. They include:

The killing of over 2 million Iraqi citizens

The total destruction of the country’s civilian infrastructure and cultural heritage

The widespread use of torture by the occupying forces

And the formation of a sectarian regime, empowered by tyrannical militia, that bears no resemblance to a true democratic system. In fact, it is this very structure that today subjects the Iraqi people to widespread government corruption, routine political suppression, and debilitating economic conditions.

The blame for this tragedy falls squarely on the countries who invaded Iraq under false pretenses, notably the US and the UK. In light of this, we call for the following:

First, the establishment of an impartial international tribunal to adjudicate the crimes of the invasion of Iraq. It is crucial for the sake of democratic values and global security that these violations be properly addressed, taking into account the findings of civil society organisations and human rights bodies.

Second, we call for an official apology from the invaders for the devastation they have caused. While they must receive adequate restitution and compensation for their suffering, this apology would represent a commendable first step towards achieving justice for the Iraqi people.

Thank you.

#GICJ #Geneva4Justice #GenevaInternationalCentreforJustice #HRC55 #HumanRights #IHL #nonstateactors #unitednations #geneva #justice #viral and GICJ Call for Justice and Recognition in the Aftermath of the Iraq Invasion
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Item 4: General debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention, report by the High Commissioner on DPRK

Statement of International-Lawyers.Org and Geneva International Centre for Justice

55th session of the Human Rights Council

20th March 2024

Delivered by Gautier Boyrie /GICJ

Thank you.

21 years ago, on March 20, 2003, American-led forces invaded Iraq, resulting in a deadly legacy of violence and destruction in the name of 'liberating’ the country. Its impacts are well-known within the international community, but not spoken of nearly enough. They include:

The killing of over 2 million Iraqi citizens

The total destruction of the country’s civilian infrastructure and cultural heritage

The widespread use of torture by the occupying forces

And the formation of a sectarian regime, empowered by tyrannical militia, that bears no resemblance to a true democratic system. In fact, it is this very structure that today subjects the Iraqi people to widespread government corruption, routine political suppression, and debilitating economic conditions.

The blame for this tragedy falls squarely on the countries who invaded Iraq under false pretenses, notably the US and the UK. In light of this, we call for the following:

First, the establishment of an impartial international tribunal to adjudicate the crimes of the invasion of Iraq. It is crucial for the sake of democratic values and global security that these violations be properly addressed, taking into account the findings of civil society organisations and human rights bodies.

Second, we call for an official apology from the invaders for the devastation they have caused. While they must receive adequate restitution and compensation for their suffering, this apology would represent a commendable first step towards achieving justice for the Iraqi people.

Thank you.

#GICJ #Geneva4Justice #GenevaInternationalCentreforJustice #HRC55 #HumanRights #IHL #nonstateactors #unitednations #geneva #justice #viral

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