EAFORD and GICJ Call to Address Child Sexual Abuse in Latin America

Item 3: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the sale and exploitation of children

Statement of International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and Geneva International Centre for Justice

55th session of the Human Rights Council

5th March 2024

Delivered by Gilma Villatoro /GICJ

Thank you,

We thank the Special Rapporteur for her comprehensive report. Today, I urgently address the normalization, stigma, and negligence surrounding child sexual abuse, especially among vulnerable groups like immigrants, indigenous peoples, and African descent children in Latin America. This perpetuates silence and deters reporting, leaving children unprotected and vulnerable.

The case study in Uruguay by the special Rapporteur highlights systemic issues that are also present in other Latin American countries, where stigma and normalisation of abuse persist. Children often face intimidation and pressure to remain silent about their abuse, fearing retaliation or judgement.

While we appreciate the work of the Special Rapporteur, we would also like to call on all concerned bodies to not overlook children fleeing violence and how these are particularly at risk, forced into situations where they may face exploitation without adequate protection.

EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice stress again that every child deserves to feel safe and supported, free from the threat of abuse. Comprehensive education and awareness programs are essential to combat stigmatisation. We also urge the council to prioritise the protection of children at risk, specifically those in conflict zones, by conducting comprehensive studies and interventions. Despite challenges in data collection, such efforts are crucial in addressing the root causes of sexual abuse and exploitation.

Thank you!

#GICJ #Geneva4Justice #GenevaInternationalCentreforJustice #HRC55 #HumanRights #IHL #nonstateactors #unitednations #geneva #justice #viral

 EAFORD and GICJ Call to Address Child Sexual Abuse in Latin America
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Item 3: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the sale and exploitation of children

Statement of International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and Geneva International Centre for Justice

55th session of the Human Rights Council

5th March 2024

Delivered by Gilma Villatoro /GICJ

Thank you,

We thank the Special Rapporteur for her comprehensive report. Today, I urgently address the normalization, stigma, and negligence surrounding child sexual abuse, especially among vulnerable groups like immigrants, indigenous peoples, and African descent children in Latin America. This perpetuates silence and deters reporting, leaving children unprotected and vulnerable.

The case study in Uruguay by the special Rapporteur highlights systemic issues that are also present in other Latin American countries, where stigma and normalisation of abuse persist. Children often face intimidation and pressure to remain silent about their abuse, fearing retaliation or judgement.

While we appreciate the work of the Special Rapporteur, we would also like to call on all concerned bodies to not overlook children fleeing violence and how these are particularly at risk, forced into situations where they may face exploitation without adequate protection.

EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice stress again that every child deserves to feel safe and supported, free from the threat of abuse. Comprehensive education and awareness programs are essential to combat stigmatisation. We also urge the council to prioritise the protection of children at risk, specifically those in conflict zones, by conducting comprehensive studies and interventions. Despite challenges in data collection, such efforts are crucial in addressing the root causes of sexual abuse and exploitation.

Thank you!

#GICJ #Geneva4Justice #GenevaInternationalCentreforJustice #HRC55 #HumanRights #IHL #nonstateactors #unitednations #geneva #justice #viral

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