Intersessional Meeting for the 75th Anniversary of the Genocide Convention
4th December 2023
Panel 1: The Use of Social Media Platforms to Amplify Hate Speech that could Lead to Genocide: Defining the Problem
Statement of Association Ma’onah for Human Rights and Immigration
Delivered by Tamir Boldbaatar / GICJ
Thank you Mr. President,
Hate speech by the parties to the conflict in Yemen through their statements and posting on social media and the exploitation of satellite channels contributes to the continuation of the fighting. Yemenis are still suffering from the devastating conflict fueled by hate speech and religious incitement, as well as depriving them of enjoying their basic rights.
Hate speech is used by the rebels as a means to justify ideas of revenge, tribalism and racism, which had the effect of deepening violations against civilians, especially children and women. Violations against religious or belief minorities are exacerbated by hate speech that is motivated by hatred, hostility, and discrimination on the basis of religion or belief.
As an example, on the 2nd June 2023, during the Friday sermon, in Sana'a the speakers launched a violent verbal attack against Bahá'ís in Yemen, accusing them of seeking to harm the country and militias to unite against the beliefs that Bahá'ís uphold.
Hate speech and incitement to hatred, hostility and discrimination against religious minorities are intended to drive a wedge in society. Such expressions threaten the life and integrity of entire communities that make up Yemen. The meanings of incitement, threats, order lead to killing by some military and political leaders of the parties to the conflict. The application of international rules to prohibit this conduct is denied by those committing or supporting atrocities. Such denials further fuel mistrust, conflict and increase violations.
Association Ma’onah and GICJ call on States to take urgent actions to end these practices. We demand States denying genocidal incitements to recognise international definitions, to work with international partners and civil society to prevent genocide. International organisations should set out clear guidelines for legitimate control of social platforms’ moderation of hate speech, on a rights-based and protectionist approach.
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