HRC54: GICJ and Ma'onah Strongly Condemn the Ongoing Occupation in Palestine

 The 54th Session of the Human Rights Council

11th September-14th  October 2023

Item 7: General Debate on the Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories

Joint Statement of Association Ma’onah for Human Rights and Immigration and GICJ

4th October 2023 

Delivered by Lené Sophia Strydom / GICJ

Thank you, Mr. Vice. President,

The ongoing human rights violations in Palestine constitute a deeply distressing tragedy that continues to unfold before the world's eyes. These violations have inflicted immeasurable suffering on the Palestinian people, creating a humanitarian crisis that demands immediate condemnation and concrete action.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which have expanded relentlessly, are not just illegal under international law but serve as symbols of dispossession and oppression. Palestinians are forcibly evicted from their homes, leaving families and children homeless and traumatised. The demolition of homes, schools, and infrastructure has left communities in ruins, with little hope for the future.

The blockade of Gaza has turned it into an open-air prison, with its residents enduring crippling poverty, lack of access to clean water, and inadequate healthcare. The indiscriminate use of air strikes that happened in May by Israeli security forces has resulted in numerous civilian casualties, including children. These actions are war crimes, and those responsible must be held accountable. 

The right to self-determination is a fundamental human right, yet Palestinians are denied this right every day. 

Association Ma’onah and Geneva International Centre for Justice condemn the suffering that the victims endure daily. We call on the International community to take concrete actions to end the occupation and finally allow a future where Palestinians can live with the dignity and freedom that they, like any human being, deserve.


HRC54: GICJ and Ma'onah Strongly Condemn the Ongoing Occupation in Palestine
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 The 54th Session of the Human Rights Council

11th September-14th  October 2023

Item 7: General Debate on the Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories

Joint Statement of Association Ma’onah for Human Rights and Immigration and GICJ

4th October 2023 

Delivered by Lené Sophia Strydom / GICJ

Thank you, Mr. Vice. President,

The ongoing human rights violations in Palestine constitute a deeply distressing tragedy that continues to unfold before the world's eyes. These violations have inflicted immeasurable suffering on the Palestinian people, creating a humanitarian crisis that demands immediate condemnation and concrete action.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which have expanded relentlessly, are not just illegal under international law but serve as symbols of dispossession and oppression. Palestinians are forcibly evicted from their homes, leaving families and children homeless and traumatised. The demolition of homes, schools, and infrastructure has left communities in ruins, with little hope for the future.

The blockade of Gaza has turned it into an open-air prison, with its residents enduring crippling poverty, lack of access to clean water, and inadequate healthcare. The indiscriminate use of air strikes that happened in May by Israeli security forces has resulted in numerous civilian casualties, including children. These actions are war crimes, and those responsible must be held accountable. 

The right to self-determination is a fundamental human right, yet Palestinians are denied this right every day. 

Association Ma’onah and Geneva International Centre for Justice condemn the suffering that the victims endure daily. We call on the International community to take concrete actions to end the occupation and finally allow a future where Palestinians can live with the dignity and freedom that they, like any human being, deserve.


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