HRC54: GICJ and Ma'onah Pressures UN to Take Meaningful Action in Yemen

The 54th Session of the Human Rights Council

11 September - 13 October 2023

Item 4: General debate on human rights situations that require the Council's attention

27th September 2023

Statement of Association Geneva International Centre for Justice and Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration

Delivered by Juliet Wishner

Thank you.

In 2023 the humanitarian crisis in Yemen has reached catastrophic proportions. Since the 2014 Houthi coup, the atrocities committed in this conflict have been horrifying. Innocent civilians continue to bear the brunt of this conflict, with widespread indiscriminate bombings, including strikes on schools and hospitals. These actions violate fundamental principles of international law, targeting the lives of civilians.

Moreover, the continued Houthi use of child soldiers has become alarmingly common, further robbing Yemen's children of their innocence. Sexual violence and forced disappearances are rampant, leaving survivors scarred for life. Continued restrictions against civil society organisations is only exacerbating civilian suffering. The war is decimating Yemen’s economy and infrastructure, destroying what Yemenis spent decades building.  

This begs the question: at what point do we decide the suffering these victims endure is finally compelling enough for the UN to take meaningful action?

The world cannot continue to turn a blind eye to Houthi’s heinous crimes. To end the conflict and alleviate the suffering in Yemen, there must be an immediate ceasefire. Parties involved must engage in diplomatic negotiations to find a political solution to this devastating conflict.

Association Ma’onah and Geneva International Centre for Justice condemn the human rights violations occurring in Yemen and demand the international community to finally hold those responsible accountable for their actions. States must support investigations into war crimes and stop the sale of weapons to Houthi militias.

Thank you.

HRC54: GICJ and Ma'onah Pressures UN to Take Meaningful Action in Yemen
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The 54th Session of the Human Rights Council

11 September - 13 October 2023

Item 4: General debate on human rights situations that require the Council's attention

27th September 2023

Statement of Association Geneva International Centre for Justice and Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration

Delivered by Juliet Wishner

Thank you.

In 2023 the humanitarian crisis in Yemen has reached catastrophic proportions. Since the 2014 Houthi coup, the atrocities committed in this conflict have been horrifying. Innocent civilians continue to bear the brunt of this conflict, with widespread indiscriminate bombings, including strikes on schools and hospitals. These actions violate fundamental principles of international law, targeting the lives of civilians.

Moreover, the continued Houthi use of child soldiers has become alarmingly common, further robbing Yemen's children of their innocence. Sexual violence and forced disappearances are rampant, leaving survivors scarred for life. Continued restrictions against civil society organisations is only exacerbating civilian suffering. The war is decimating Yemen’s economy and infrastructure, destroying what Yemenis spent decades building.  

This begs the question: at what point do we decide the suffering these victims endure is finally compelling enough for the UN to take meaningful action?

The world cannot continue to turn a blind eye to Houthi’s heinous crimes. To end the conflict and alleviate the suffering in Yemen, there must be an immediate ceasefire. Parties involved must engage in diplomatic negotiations to find a political solution to this devastating conflict.

Association Ma’onah and Geneva International Centre for Justice condemn the human rights violations occurring in Yemen and demand the international community to finally hold those responsible accountable for their actions. States must support investigations into war crimes and stop the sale of weapons to Houthi militias.

Thank you.

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