HRC54: GICJ and Meezaan Condemn Abuses Against Women in Afghanistan

The 54th Session of the Human Rights Council

11 September - 13 October 2023

Item 2: ID on OHCHR report on Afghanistan

12th September 2023

Joint Statement with Meezan Centre for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice


Delivered by Loïc Gasser / GICJ

Thank you, Mr. President.

The situation in Afghanistan is deeply concerning, with a shocking rollback of human rights since the Taliban's rise to power. We've witnessed summary executions, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention, and discrimination, severely affecting women and girls, ethnic and religious minorities, and civil society members.

Gender persecution, recognized as a crime against humanity under the ICC’s Rome Statute, demands urgent attention and a unified approach to eradicating this as a policy tool to subjugate women.

Our message to the Taliban is clear: reverse your atrocious treatment of women and girls, guarantee their access to education and work, immediately end reprisals and arbitrary detentions, halt discrimination, and allow unhindered humanitarian access to all parts of the country.

The international community must support all the necessary investigation and accountability mechanisms. States must grant refugee status to Afghan women and girls based on human rights violations, and work to uphold the rights of Afghan refugees and migrants.

MEEZAAN and Geneva International Centre for Justice urge this Council and its Member States to pressure the Taliban, renew the Special Rapporteur's mandate, and establish an independent investigative mechanism.

We also call upon the United States of America, among others, to extend its fullest support to those in distress in Afghanistan and to support the country going forward as compensation for its intervention and rapid withdrawal which led to the devastating consequences for the whole population.

HRC54: GICJ and Meezaan Condemn Abuses Against Women in Afghanistan
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The 54th Session of the Human Rights Council

11 September - 13 October 2023

Item 2: ID on OHCHR report on Afghanistan

12th September 2023

Joint Statement with Meezan Centre for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice


Delivered by Loïc Gasser / GICJ

Thank you, Mr. President.

The situation in Afghanistan is deeply concerning, with a shocking rollback of human rights since the Taliban's rise to power. We've witnessed summary executions, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention, and discrimination, severely affecting women and girls, ethnic and religious minorities, and civil society members.

Gender persecution, recognized as a crime against humanity under the ICC’s Rome Statute, demands urgent attention and a unified approach to eradicating this as a policy tool to subjugate women.

Our message to the Taliban is clear: reverse your atrocious treatment of women and girls, guarantee their access to education and work, immediately end reprisals and arbitrary detentions, halt discrimination, and allow unhindered humanitarian access to all parts of the country.

The international community must support all the necessary investigation and accountability mechanisms. States must grant refugee status to Afghan women and girls based on human rights violations, and work to uphold the rights of Afghan refugees and migrants.

MEEZAAN and Geneva International Centre for Justice urge this Council and its Member States to pressure the Taliban, renew the Special Rapporteur's mandate, and establish an independent investigative mechanism.

We also call upon the United States of America, among others, to extend its fullest support to those in distress in Afghanistan and to support the country going forward as compensation for its intervention and rapid withdrawal which led to the devastating consequences for the whole population.

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