36th Special Session on Sudan: GICJ recalled the high risk of a mass exodus for the people in the country

The 36th Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the human rights impact of the ongoing conflict in Sudan

 11 May 2023

Delivered by Luísa Barbosa / GICJ

Thank you, President. 

The increasing reports of violence and human rights violations in the conflict in Sudan are extremely concerning, which is why this Special Session is imperative at such a critical moment in Sudan’s history. 

We express our deepest concerns over the hostilities taking place in heavily populated areas, the use of unlawful means of warfare, and the targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure. This directly violates the international humanitarian law principles of distinction, proportionality, and precaution, enshrined in customary international law and the Geneva Conventions - both of which must be respected by all parties to the conflict. 

We further strongly condemn the lack of access to humanitarian aid to civilians within Sudan. We implore all parties to open a humanitarian corridor and allow humanitarian aid institutions to conduct their work and for them to do so in a safe and timely manner. 

The international community must also double its efforts to address the increasing humanitarian situation in Sudan, which will, according to the UNHCR, lead to a massive exodus. Therefore, we call on Sudan’s neighbouring countries to abide by their human rights obligations and keep their borders open, streamlining asylum procedures and ensuring respect for the principle of non-refoulement. 

Finally, Meezaan Center for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) strongly condemn the ongoing hostilities and urge the parties to return to the negotiation table, striving to de-escalate the conflict and achieve a common and durable solution for peace in Sudan.  

I Thank You. 

36th Special Session on Sudan: GICJ recalled the high risk of a mass exodus for the people in the country
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The 36th Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the human rights impact of the ongoing conflict in Sudan

 11 May 2023

Delivered by Luísa Barbosa / GICJ

Thank you, President. 

The increasing reports of violence and human rights violations in the conflict in Sudan are extremely concerning, which is why this Special Session is imperative at such a critical moment in Sudan’s history. 

We express our deepest concerns over the hostilities taking place in heavily populated areas, the use of unlawful means of warfare, and the targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure. This directly violates the international humanitarian law principles of distinction, proportionality, and precaution, enshrined in customary international law and the Geneva Conventions - both of which must be respected by all parties to the conflict. 

We further strongly condemn the lack of access to humanitarian aid to civilians within Sudan. We implore all parties to open a humanitarian corridor and allow humanitarian aid institutions to conduct their work and for them to do so in a safe and timely manner. 

The international community must also double its efforts to address the increasing humanitarian situation in Sudan, which will, according to the UNHCR, lead to a massive exodus. Therefore, we call on Sudan’s neighbouring countries to abide by their human rights obligations and keep their borders open, streamlining asylum procedures and ensuring respect for the principle of non-refoulement. 

Finally, Meezaan Center for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) strongly condemn the ongoing hostilities and urge the parties to return to the negotiation table, striving to de-escalate the conflict and achieve a common and durable solution for peace in Sudan.  

I Thank You. 

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