52nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council
Item 9: Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance
General Debate
Joint Statement with International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)
Statement delivery by Mutua K. Kobia
Thank you President,
We are deeply appalled that the scourge of racism and racial discrimination continues to plague the
world today. Systemic and institutionalized racism, various forms of discrimination as well as
identifying and addressing invisible challenges and barriers needs much more serious attention.
Furthermore, we strongly recommend effective inclusion of victims and affected communities as
they are paramount in achieving accountability and redress. Furthermore, we encourage the
inclusion of experts in civil, political, social and cultural fields as noted in the DDPA as well as the
need for and incorporation of special measures to combat racism and racial discrimination.
Mr. President,
As we re-emphasize the importance of Item 9 on the agenda of the HRC we would also like to draw
attention to the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent. In this regard, we recall the
reaffirmation of the full and effective implementation of the DDPA which is the primary document
for the recognition of the rights of People of African Descent. In light of this, we express concern that
the Forum is unable to base its work on the full implementation of the DDPA.
In conclusion, EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice, reiterate the paramount
necessity to identify existing racialized challenges and barriers that come in various forms including
legal hurdles and other types of human rights violations. Finally, we note that the history of justifying
and enabling colonial domination together with neo-colonial mind-sets enables the evil of racism to
Thank you