HRC52- GICJ denounces the war crimes committed in Myanmar

52 nd session of the Human Rights Council

27 February 2023 – 4 April 2023

Oral Statement Item 2: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar

Joint Statement with Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Mr. Islam Almadhoun


Mr. President,
We would first like to thank the High Commissioner for his report and the efforts of his office in documenting the violations that occur in Myanmar. The Rohingya Muslims seek justice and a safe and dignified return to their homes with their security guaranteed and their full citizenship and return of their land.

Therefore, addressing the root causes of human rights violations that have been going on since decades in Myanmar are more important than ever, especially with the increasing brutality of the army and security forces in Myanmar through airstrikes, arbitrary arrests, torture, sexual violence, killings, and forced displacement, and burned the villages and the use recently of the death penalty against four advocates.

As the High Commissioner knows, 600,000 Rohingya remain in the State, and 135,000 have been detained.
Some of them are in camps, and they all live under an apartheid regime and oppression applied by the military authorities, they rarely get international attention.

In addition, the Myanmar military has intensified its abusive policies, further restricting basic human rights, including the claim of Rohingya Muslims and their affiliated persons to ethnic minorities to obtain permission to travel within and outside the State, and to arrest those alleged to be violating them.

Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration and Geneva International Center for Justice, stress that the impunity of the military has led to the increasing commission of these crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide against the Rohingya Muslims and people belonging to ethnic minorities, so we call for the establishment of a court to prosecute the military in the course of Myanmar's independent investigative mechanism collects evidence and prepares cases, and we call for recommending a referral to the Security Council on the situation in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court.

HRC52- GICJ denounces the war crimes committed in Myanmar
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52 nd session of the Human Rights Council

27 February 2023 – 4 April 2023

Oral Statement Item 2: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar

Joint Statement with Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Mr. Islam Almadhoun


Mr. President,
We would first like to thank the High Commissioner for his report and the efforts of his office in documenting the violations that occur in Myanmar. The Rohingya Muslims seek justice and a safe and dignified return to their homes with their security guaranteed and their full citizenship and return of their land.

Therefore, addressing the root causes of human rights violations that have been going on since decades in Myanmar are more important than ever, especially with the increasing brutality of the army and security forces in Myanmar through airstrikes, arbitrary arrests, torture, sexual violence, killings, and forced displacement, and burned the villages and the use recently of the death penalty against four advocates.

As the High Commissioner knows, 600,000 Rohingya remain in the State, and 135,000 have been detained.
Some of them are in camps, and they all live under an apartheid regime and oppression applied by the military authorities, they rarely get international attention.

In addition, the Myanmar military has intensified its abusive policies, further restricting basic human rights, including the claim of Rohingya Muslims and their affiliated persons to ethnic minorities to obtain permission to travel within and outside the State, and to arrest those alleged to be violating them.

Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration and Geneva International Center for Justice, stress that the impunity of the military has led to the increasing commission of these crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide against the Rohingya Muslims and people belonging to ethnic minorities, so we call for the establishment of a court to prosecute the military in the course of Myanmar's independent investigative mechanism collects evidence and prepares cases, and we call for recommending a referral to the Security Council on the situation in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court.

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