HRC51: GICJ called for Indigenous People Inclusion in Multilateral Decision Making

The 51st Session of the Human Rights Council 

12 September 2022 – 7 October 2022

Item 3 & 5: Interactive dialogue with the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on its annual report

28 September 2022

Statement with Meezaan Center for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice

Delivered by Isabelle Despicht / GICJ

Thank you, President,

We thank the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous People for its update and commend all progress made by states to elevate the rights of indigenous communities across the globe.

Indigenous people comprise 6% of the global population and are among the most marginalised societies. Often overlooked, their role in preserving and disseminating indigenous knowledge and culture is paramount to modern societies. 

Indigenous communities continue to be discriminated against and are often unable to fend for themselves. Most notably, they are too frequently unable to access appropriate legal remedies when their rights have been violated. 

Despite considerable advances, we regret that, as noted in their report, the Expert Mechanism only received input from two states on the study on Treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements.

Meezaan Center and Geneva International Centre for Justice urgently call this Council for a renewed and concerted effort to include these groups in multilateral decision-making processes. States should make use of the mechanisms made available to them.

We further join the call of the Expert Mechanism for States to ensure prompt and effective investigations and, most importantly, to ensure accountability for crimes committed against these communities, guaranteeing the principle of non-repetition. 

Thank you.

HRC51: GICJ called for Indigenous People Inclusion in Multilateral Decision Making
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The 51st Session of the Human Rights Council 

12 September 2022 – 7 October 2022

Item 3 & 5: Interactive dialogue with the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on its annual report

28 September 2022

Statement with Meezaan Center for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice

Delivered by Isabelle Despicht / GICJ

Thank you, President,

We thank the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous People for its update and commend all progress made by states to elevate the rights of indigenous communities across the globe.

Indigenous people comprise 6% of the global population and are among the most marginalised societies. Often overlooked, their role in preserving and disseminating indigenous knowledge and culture is paramount to modern societies. 

Indigenous communities continue to be discriminated against and are often unable to fend for themselves. Most notably, they are too frequently unable to access appropriate legal remedies when their rights have been violated. 

Despite considerable advances, we regret that, as noted in their report, the Expert Mechanism only received input from two states on the study on Treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements.

Meezaan Center and Geneva International Centre for Justice urgently call this Council for a renewed and concerted effort to include these groups in multilateral decision-making processes. States should make use of the mechanisms made available to them.

We further join the call of the Expert Mechanism for States to ensure prompt and effective investigations and, most importantly, to ensure accountability for crimes committed against these communities, guaranteeing the principle of non-repetition. 

Thank you.

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