Conall Corrigan from GICJ - 51st session HRC - a Call for Vital Humanitarian Assistance and Justice in Myanmar

 The 51st session of the Human Rights Council

12 September 2022 - 7 October 2022

Item 4 - Interactive Dialogue with Special rapporteur on Myanmar 

22 September 2022

Statement of International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Delivered by Conall Corrigan / GICJ


Thank you, 

Since February last year, abuses committed by the military junta in Myanmar have spanned the entire spectrum of human rights resulting in the deaths and displacement of thousands of civilians. Five years on from the brutal crackdown on the Rohingya Muslim population, members of this religious group are still awaiting justice and accountability for violations of their basic human rights. 

The humanitarian crisis has been worsened by the rising prices of essential commodities, particularly food and fuel, as a result of the conflict in Ukraine which has severely impacted global supplies.

The Report of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar has found, that since 2021, the civilian population have been forced to endure a barrage of violent mistreatment at the hands of armed forces.

The actions of the military junta in Myanmar constitute clear violations of numerous international human rights standards contained in treaties signed and ratified by Myanmar. 

Although a recent Fact-Finding Mission carried out by the OHCHR found that some progress has been made in isolating the military regime from the global economy, much more must be done to ensure those who perpetrate crimes against civilians are held accountable for their actions.   

The International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and Geneva International Centre for Justice remain concerned about the current situation in Myanmar. The international community must commit itself to pursuing a coordinated effort to support the people of Myanmar by providing vital humanitarian assistance, ensuring justiciable remedies for victims of rights abuses, and prioritising the de-escalation of the conflict.

Thank you.

Conall Corrigan from GICJ - 51st session HRC - a Call for Vital Humanitarian Assistance and Justice in Myanmar
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 The 51st session of the Human Rights Council

12 September 2022 - 7 October 2022

Item 4 - Interactive Dialogue with Special rapporteur on Myanmar 

22 September 2022

Statement of International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Delivered by Conall Corrigan / GICJ


Thank you, 

Since February last year, abuses committed by the military junta in Myanmar have spanned the entire spectrum of human rights resulting in the deaths and displacement of thousands of civilians. Five years on from the brutal crackdown on the Rohingya Muslim population, members of this religious group are still awaiting justice and accountability for violations of their basic human rights. 

The humanitarian crisis has been worsened by the rising prices of essential commodities, particularly food and fuel, as a result of the conflict in Ukraine which has severely impacted global supplies.

The Report of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar has found, that since 2021, the civilian population have been forced to endure a barrage of violent mistreatment at the hands of armed forces.

The actions of the military junta in Myanmar constitute clear violations of numerous international human rights standards contained in treaties signed and ratified by Myanmar. 

Although a recent Fact-Finding Mission carried out by the OHCHR found that some progress has been made in isolating the military regime from the global economy, much more must be done to ensure those who perpetrate crimes against civilians are held accountable for their actions.   

The International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and Geneva International Centre for Justice remain concerned about the current situation in Myanmar. The international community must commit itself to pursuing a coordinated effort to support the people of Myanmar by providing vital humanitarian assistance, ensuring justiciable remedies for victims of rights abuses, and prioritising the de-escalation of the conflict.

Thank you.

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