Sivar Ahmed from GICJ - 50th session HRC - Myanmar

The 50th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

13 June to 8 July 2022

Statement of Association Ma’onah for Human Rights and Immigration and
Geneva International Centre for Justice

Item 2: Interactive Dialogue on High Commissioner Oral Update on Myanmar

14 June 2022

By Sivar Ahmed

Thank you, president,


We thank the High Commissioner for the oral update. We want to express our deep concerns about the alarming human rights situation in Myanmar from extrajudicial killings, sexual and gender-based violence, mass arbitrary arrests, torture and death penalties.


The recently announced decision to enforce death sentences against four individuals explains the level of human rights violation that the Military regime reached in Myanmar. In addition, the regime attempts to establish a new dictatorship by imposing more restrictions on access to the internet, online censorship, and other internet barriers. After the military coup in February 2021, Myanmar experienced nationwide internet blackouts and no access to social media platforms. Recently, authorities have imposed an internet shutdown on areas where they face great resistance from opposition groups.


Ma’onah and Geneva International Centre for Justice urge the International Community, including this Council, to impose more pressure on the Military Regime in Myanmar to stop violence and protect human rights. Without accountability, there will be increasing violence and crimes against humanity. We believe that access to the internet and information is one of the fundamental rights, and any restriction on it is unacceptable. Therefore, we stand with the people of Myanmar and call on the international community to take action and break the silence against the continued human rights violations in Myanmar.


Thank you!


Sivar Ahmed from GICJ - 50th session HRC - Myanmar
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The 50th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

13 June to 8 July 2022

Statement of Association Ma’onah for Human Rights and Immigration and
Geneva International Centre for Justice

Item 2: Interactive Dialogue on High Commissioner Oral Update on Myanmar

14 June 2022

By Sivar Ahmed

Thank you, president,


We thank the High Commissioner for the oral update. We want to express our deep concerns about the alarming human rights situation in Myanmar from extrajudicial killings, sexual and gender-based violence, mass arbitrary arrests, torture and death penalties.


The recently announced decision to enforce death sentences against four individuals explains the level of human rights violation that the Military regime reached in Myanmar. In addition, the regime attempts to establish a new dictatorship by imposing more restrictions on access to the internet, online censorship, and other internet barriers. After the military coup in February 2021, Myanmar experienced nationwide internet blackouts and no access to social media platforms. Recently, authorities have imposed an internet shutdown on areas where they face great resistance from opposition groups.


Ma’onah and Geneva International Centre for Justice urge the International Community, including this Council, to impose more pressure on the Military Regime in Myanmar to stop violence and protect human rights. Without accountability, there will be increasing violence and crimes against humanity. We believe that access to the internet and information is one of the fundamental rights, and any restriction on it is unacceptable. Therefore, we stand with the people of Myanmar and call on the international community to take action and break the silence against the continued human rights violations in Myanmar.


Thank you!


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