Louise Requin from GICJ - 48th Session of the UN Human Rights Council - General Debate ITEM 9

48th Session of the Human Rights Council

13 September – 8 October 2021

Item 9: General Debate on Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action

Oral statement on behalf of the Meezaan Center

Delivered by: Louise Requin

There are two legal systems in Israel: one for Jewish Israelis, and one for Palestinians. Palestinians living under the control of the occupying power are submitted to discriminatory rules based on their

Palestinians cannot access citizenship through the same rules as Jewish Israelis. They cannot settle freely in more than 900 Jewish towns, based on an assumed ‘socio cultural incompatibility’. Israeli
authorities have denied residency to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

While Palestinian citizens of Israel make up 20 percent of the Israeli population, they only have jurisdiction over less than 3 percent of all land in the country. This is the consequence of a policy of segregation. Israel itself has made it clear in its constitution that “Israel is the nation state of the Jewish People’’. Israel prevents Palestinians from enjoying basic rights because of their ethnic and religious identity. This is the “intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights by reason of identity” described
in international law.

How are we not witnessing a system of apartheid ?

Meezan Center and GICJ call for the immediate investigation into Israel’s crimes of persecution. The systematic oppression of Palestinians amounts to crimes against humanity which must be stopped. The inaction of the members of this council proves their failure to respect their commitments. They must act now.

Thank you.

Louise Requin from GICJ - 48th Session of the UN Human Rights Council - General Debate ITEM 9
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48th Session of the Human Rights Council

13 September – 8 October 2021

Item 9: General Debate on Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action

Oral statement on behalf of the Meezaan Center

Delivered by: Louise Requin

There are two legal systems in Israel: one for Jewish Israelis, and one for Palestinians. Palestinians living under the control of the occupying power are submitted to discriminatory rules based on their

Palestinians cannot access citizenship through the same rules as Jewish Israelis. They cannot settle freely in more than 900 Jewish towns, based on an assumed ‘socio cultural incompatibility’. Israeli
authorities have denied residency to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

While Palestinian citizens of Israel make up 20 percent of the Israeli population, they only have jurisdiction over less than 3 percent of all land in the country. This is the consequence of a policy of segregation. Israel itself has made it clear in its constitution that “Israel is the nation state of the Jewish People’’. Israel prevents Palestinians from enjoying basic rights because of their ethnic and religious identity. This is the “intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights by reason of identity” described
in international law.

How are we not witnessing a system of apartheid ?

Meezan Center and GICJ call for the immediate investigation into Israel’s crimes of persecution. The systematic oppression of Palestinians amounts to crimes against humanity which must be stopped. The inaction of the members of this council proves their failure to respect their commitments. They must act now.

Thank you.

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