45th Session UN Human Rights Council - The Responsibility of Politicians in Fighting Against Racism - Diane Gourdain

"General Debate Item 9: Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action"

Statement by: Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration

1 October 2020

Thank you, President. 

The fight against racism and racial discrimination is far from over. In recent years, there has been a rise in hate speech and discrimination around the world. Far-right politicians and groups have capitalized off their racist agendas, convincing the masses to adopt a similar mindset, such that hate speech and racial discrimination are becoming normalized.

As an example, in countries such as Australia, Hungary, Germany, as well as Italy, racist discourse in politics is feeding into the public’s fear of migrants and the rejection of minorities within their society. Politicians too often foster a xenophobic climate by blaming immigrants for increasing crime rate and identity loss, despite evidence depicting no correlation.

The aforementioned examples merely scratch the surface of discriminatory and racist behaviour that is on the rise. Racism has become a disease our world has failed to eradicate, and until all countries uphold their duty to fight against racial discrimination in all its forms, racism will continue to thrive.

States must be reminded that, as established in the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, it is their duty to condemn racism and promote tolerance. Besides this, all involvement in racist organizations must be criminalized.

In this regard, Ma’onah Association and Geneva International Centre for Justice call on the Council to urge Member States to fully implement the DDPA and work towards the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination.

I thank you.

45th Session UN Human Rights Council - The Responsibility of Politicians in Fighting Against Racism - Diane Gourdain
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"General Debate Item 9: Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action"

Statement by: Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration

1 October 2020

Thank you, President. 

The fight against racism and racial discrimination is far from over. In recent years, there has been a rise in hate speech and discrimination around the world. Far-right politicians and groups have capitalized off their racist agendas, convincing the masses to adopt a similar mindset, such that hate speech and racial discrimination are becoming normalized.

As an example, in countries such as Australia, Hungary, Germany, as well as Italy, racist discourse in politics is feeding into the public’s fear of migrants and the rejection of minorities within their society. Politicians too often foster a xenophobic climate by blaming immigrants for increasing crime rate and identity loss, despite evidence depicting no correlation.

The aforementioned examples merely scratch the surface of discriminatory and racist behaviour that is on the rise. Racism has become a disease our world has failed to eradicate, and until all countries uphold their duty to fight against racial discrimination in all its forms, racism will continue to thrive.

States must be reminded that, as established in the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, it is their duty to condemn racism and promote tolerance. Besides this, all involvement in racist organizations must be criminalized.

In this regard, Ma’onah Association and Geneva International Centre for Justice call on the Council to urge Member States to fully implement the DDPA and work towards the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination.

I thank you.

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