45th Session UN Human Rights Council - Rise in Racism and Undermining of the DDPA - Mutua K. Kobia

"Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on African Descent A/HRC/45/44

Agenda Item 9: Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action"

Statement by: International Organization for All Forms Of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD)

30 September 2020

Thank you, Mr. President.

We thank the Working Group for their report, however, we remain deeply concerned that the evils and scourge of racism and racial discrimination not only remains a reality but continues to be on the rise in various forms across the globe. Worse still, the COVID-19 pandemic has put into question racialized priorities and policy decisions regarding a number of human rights issues that directly affect People of African Descent. These avoidable obstacles, however, are not new as systematic and structural racism especially for People of African Descent has it’s roots in colonialism and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Eliminating institutionalized racism and ending impunity can only be achieved by addressing these root causes.
Furthermore, it has been noted that the COVID-19 crisis has adversely affected already-put in place procedures to combat racism in some countries, while in others the scourge of racism has even been deprioritized - as noted in the Working Group’s report. 

In light of this, we bring to attention the 20th Anniversary of the DDPA and its Programme of Activities, which, has regrettably been undermined together with the DDPA itself. 

Thus we urge all member states to initiate political will and courage towards full implementation of the DDPA to eliminate the evils of racism in all its forms and bring justice to victims. Finally, we ask the Working Group what specific challenges and obstacles prevent further publication and wide dissemination of the DDPA in wake of its 20th anniversary?

And in conclusion, EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice recommend:

  • All member states and this Human Rights Council to actively and widely distribute publications of the DDPA for its promotion and implementation.

Thank you.

45th Session UN Human Rights Council - Rise in Racism and Undermining of the DDPA - Mutua K. Kobia
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"Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on African Descent A/HRC/45/44

Agenda Item 9: Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action"

Statement by: International Organization for All Forms Of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD)

30 September 2020

Thank you, Mr. President.

We thank the Working Group for their report, however, we remain deeply concerned that the evils and scourge of racism and racial discrimination not only remains a reality but continues to be on the rise in various forms across the globe. Worse still, the COVID-19 pandemic has put into question racialized priorities and policy decisions regarding a number of human rights issues that directly affect People of African Descent. These avoidable obstacles, however, are not new as systematic and structural racism especially for People of African Descent has it’s roots in colonialism and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Eliminating institutionalized racism and ending impunity can only be achieved by addressing these root causes.
Furthermore, it has been noted that the COVID-19 crisis has adversely affected already-put in place procedures to combat racism in some countries, while in others the scourge of racism has even been deprioritized - as noted in the Working Group’s report. 

In light of this, we bring to attention the 20th Anniversary of the DDPA and its Programme of Activities, which, has regrettably been undermined together with the DDPA itself. 

Thus we urge all member states to initiate political will and courage towards full implementation of the DDPA to eliminate the evils of racism in all its forms and bring justice to victims. Finally, we ask the Working Group what specific challenges and obstacles prevent further publication and wide dissemination of the DDPA in wake of its 20th anniversary?

And in conclusion, EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice recommend:

  • All member states and this Human Rights Council to actively and widely distribute publications of the DDPA for its promotion and implementation.

Thank you.

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