45th Session UN Human Rights Council - The dire human rights situation in Yemen - Diane Gourdain

“General debate Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention"

Statement by: Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration

25 September 2020

Thank you, President.

We once again draw the Council’s attention to the dire human rights situation in Yemen, which started when the Houthi militia began attacking civilians, in an attempt to control the country, hereby refusing all peaceful solutions. Since then, they have continuously perpetrated crimes against humanity, by relentlessly abducting, killing and torturing civilians.

We wish to highlight one notable example. In June 2011, they launched a terrorist attack on the mosque of the presidential palace, which resulted in the death and injury of countless innocent civilians, including State leaders, such as the then president, Mr. Saleh, who was injured, as well as the president of the Shura Council, who was killed.

Yet almost a decade later, the perpetrators of these crimes have still not been held accountable, despite the Security Council Resolution number 2014, which recognized this violation as a terrorist attack. As a result of the lack of accountability, the Houthi militia has continued to violate human rights, and has assassinated the former president in 2017.

Ma’onah Association and Geneva International Centre for Justice reiterate their calls on the international community to immediately implement Yemen-related UN resolutions, by ceasing to support and arm the Houthi militia.

Lastly, we deem it highly necessary to create a special tribunal, in order to hold the perpetrators accountable for all the crimes they have committed against innocent Yemeni civilians.

I thank you.

Justice, Human rights, Geneva, geneva4justice, GICJ, Geneva International Centre For Justice 

45th Session UN Human Rights Council - The dire human rights situation in Yemen - Diane Gourdain
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“General debate Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention"

Statement by: Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration

25 September 2020

Thank you, President.

We once again draw the Council’s attention to the dire human rights situation in Yemen, which started when the Houthi militia began attacking civilians, in an attempt to control the country, hereby refusing all peaceful solutions. Since then, they have continuously perpetrated crimes against humanity, by relentlessly abducting, killing and torturing civilians.

We wish to highlight one notable example. In June 2011, they launched a terrorist attack on the mosque of the presidential palace, which resulted in the death and injury of countless innocent civilians, including State leaders, such as the then president, Mr. Saleh, who was injured, as well as the president of the Shura Council, who was killed.

Yet almost a decade later, the perpetrators of these crimes have still not been held accountable, despite the Security Council Resolution number 2014, which recognized this violation as a terrorist attack. As a result of the lack of accountability, the Houthi militia has continued to violate human rights, and has assassinated the former president in 2017.

Ma’onah Association and Geneva International Centre for Justice reiterate their calls on the international community to immediately implement Yemen-related UN resolutions, by ceasing to support and arm the Houthi militia.

Lastly, we deem it highly necessary to create a special tribunal, in order to hold the perpetrators accountable for all the crimes they have committed against innocent Yemeni civilians.

I thank you.

Justice, Human rights, Geneva, geneva4justice, GICJ, Geneva International Centre For Justice 

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