43rd Session UN Human Rights Council - Denouncing the critical humanitarian situation in Yemen, Iran and Syria under Item 3: General Debate - Ms. Sarah Tayara

Agenda Item 3 - Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

General Debate

Statement by: Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration (Maonah) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

06 March 2020

Thank You, Madam President

The humanitarian situation in Yemen is rapidly deteriorating. The Houthi militia, backed by Iran, is committing indiscriminate violations of human rights. Taking over schools and targeting hospitals are just some of the ways in which innocent civilians are suffering. In an attempt to silence criticisms of their actions, the Houthi’s are assassinating and abducting political leaders and human rights activists who seek to shed light on the injustices against the people of Yemen. Maonah and Geneva4Justice call upon the international community not to be silenced until justice has been achieved for the victims of the Houthi crimes.  

As for Syria, the terrors unleashed on Idlib over the last year has triggered the largest displacement crisis of the 21st century, forcing millions out of their homes and into the open in search of shelter for themselves and their families. As they try to seek refuge in makeshift tents, many are unable to escape death as they are stalked by the brutality of the cold. One devastating example is that of Abdul-Wahab. The loss of the 7-month-old baby due to the freezing temperatures is a symbol that we have failed the people of Syria. But how many symbols will it take, Mr President, how many more Abdul-Wahab’s need to be lost before the international community makes a real effort to protect those who are fleeing to find safety?

Thank You


Justice, Human rights, Geneva, geneva4justice, GICJ, Geneva International Centre For Justice 

43rd Session UN Human Rights Council - Denouncing the critical humanitarian situation in Yemen, Iran and Syria under Item 3: General Debate - Ms. Sarah Tayara
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Agenda Item 3 - Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

General Debate

Statement by: Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration (Maonah) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

06 March 2020

Thank You, Madam President

The humanitarian situation in Yemen is rapidly deteriorating. The Houthi militia, backed by Iran, is committing indiscriminate violations of human rights. Taking over schools and targeting hospitals are just some of the ways in which innocent civilians are suffering. In an attempt to silence criticisms of their actions, the Houthi’s are assassinating and abducting political leaders and human rights activists who seek to shed light on the injustices against the people of Yemen. Maonah and Geneva4Justice call upon the international community not to be silenced until justice has been achieved for the victims of the Houthi crimes.  

As for Syria, the terrors unleashed on Idlib over the last year has triggered the largest displacement crisis of the 21st century, forcing millions out of their homes and into the open in search of shelter for themselves and their families. As they try to seek refuge in makeshift tents, many are unable to escape death as they are stalked by the brutality of the cold. One devastating example is that of Abdul-Wahab. The loss of the 7-month-old baby due to the freezing temperatures is a symbol that we have failed the people of Syria. But how many symbols will it take, Mr President, how many more Abdul-Wahab’s need to be lost before the international community makes a real effort to protect those who are fleeing to find safety?

Thank You


Justice, Human rights, Geneva, geneva4justice, GICJ, Geneva International Centre For Justice 

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