39th Session UN Human Rights Council - Item 10 on Technical Assistance in Yemen - Mutua K. Kobia

General Debate under Item 10

 Item 10: - Technical assistance and capacity-building

27 September 2018

Statement by: International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discriminaiton (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)


Thank you, Mr. President,

Millions of people in Yemen are victims of atrocities such as arbitrary deprivation of liberty, torture, unlawful detention and killing, enforced disappearances, blockades, intimidation, etc. As the Security Council established resolutions for peace in Yemen, the UN must address this conflict effectively by investigating and recognizing the main root causes of the actual situation and by encouraging and supporting the National Dialogue. The international community must also take actions against all parties that are supporting the Houthis with the supply of arms and weapons.

To this end, capacity-building must be strengthened with regard to fully implementing the UN Security Council resolutions, which clearly lay out solutions toward ending the conflict and starting a political process. This would indeed help in ending the war and the long-standing humanitarian crisis.

Mr, President,

EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice urge this Council to provide the Yemeni government with the necessary technical assistance and capacity-building toward facilitating peace talks and ending diplomatic and military support of the backers of the Houthi militia.

Thank you.

39th Session UN Human Rights Council - Item 10 on Technical Assistance in Yemen - Mutua K. Kobia
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General Debate under Item 10

 Item 10: - Technical assistance and capacity-building

27 September 2018

Statement by: International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discriminaiton (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)


Thank you, Mr. President,

Millions of people in Yemen are victims of atrocities such as arbitrary deprivation of liberty, torture, unlawful detention and killing, enforced disappearances, blockades, intimidation, etc. As the Security Council established resolutions for peace in Yemen, the UN must address this conflict effectively by investigating and recognizing the main root causes of the actual situation and by encouraging and supporting the National Dialogue. The international community must also take actions against all parties that are supporting the Houthis with the supply of arms and weapons.

To this end, capacity-building must be strengthened with regard to fully implementing the UN Security Council resolutions, which clearly lay out solutions toward ending the conflict and starting a political process. This would indeed help in ending the war and the long-standing humanitarian crisis.

Mr, President,

EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice urge this Council to provide the Yemeni government with the necessary technical assistance and capacity-building toward facilitating peace talks and ending diplomatic and military support of the backers of the Houthi militia.

Thank you.

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