39th Session Human Rights Council - Item 7 GD on Human Rights Situation in Palestine - Christopher Gawronski

General Debate under Item 7

Item 7: Human Rights Situation in Palestine and Other Occupied Arab Territories

24 September 2018

Statement by: International-Lawyers.Org and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)


Mr. President,

The humanitarian situation of the Palestinian territory continues to deteriorate and fails to receive necessary action by the international community. We support all efforts to address the humanitarian situation and encourage all states to dedicate resources to improve the daily situation of Palestinians. However, we believe that there can be no resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without an end to the occupation of Palestinian territory by Israel.

During its half-century of belligerent occupation, Israel has repeatedly violated clear rules of international law through its illegal settlements, wall-building, and forced relocations of the population. The rights of the Palestinian population to work, health, adequate standard of living and freedom of movement have been violated as a result.

In addition, the gradual and insidious taking of land, including private land, from Palestinians, in clear violation of international law, exacerbates the other violations by diminishing the resources of Palestinian communities and squeezing the population onto an ever-shrinking amount of land. The International Court of Justice, in its advisory opinion on the wall constructed by Israel, opined that all states are under an obligation not to recognize or assist in the illegal situation resulting from construction of the wall.

Mr. President,

International-Lawyers.Org and Geneva International Centre for Justice believe that by ending the occupation, a peaceful solution may be possible. As we have done consistently, we call for an end to the belligerent occupation of Palestinian territory and request all states to apply their efforts toward this end.

Thank you.

39th Session Human Rights Council - Item 7 GD on Human Rights Situation in Palestine - Christopher Gawronski
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General Debate under Item 7

Item 7: Human Rights Situation in Palestine and Other Occupied Arab Territories

24 September 2018

Statement by: International-Lawyers.Org and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)


Mr. President,

The humanitarian situation of the Palestinian territory continues to deteriorate and fails to receive necessary action by the international community. We support all efforts to address the humanitarian situation and encourage all states to dedicate resources to improve the daily situation of Palestinians. However, we believe that there can be no resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without an end to the occupation of Palestinian territory by Israel.

During its half-century of belligerent occupation, Israel has repeatedly violated clear rules of international law through its illegal settlements, wall-building, and forced relocations of the population. The rights of the Palestinian population to work, health, adequate standard of living and freedom of movement have been violated as a result.

In addition, the gradual and insidious taking of land, including private land, from Palestinians, in clear violation of international law, exacerbates the other violations by diminishing the resources of Palestinian communities and squeezing the population onto an ever-shrinking amount of land. The International Court of Justice, in its advisory opinion on the wall constructed by Israel, opined that all states are under an obligation not to recognize or assist in the illegal situation resulting from construction of the wall.

Mr. President,

International-Lawyers.Org and Geneva International Centre for Justice believe that by ending the occupation, a peaceful solution may be possible. As we have done consistently, we call for an end to the belligerent occupation of Palestinian territory and request all states to apply their efforts toward this end.

Thank you.

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