HRC 38th Session: Item 7 General Debate - Sheefa Shaik, 2 July 2018

General Debate under Agenda Item: 7

Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories

2 July 2018

Joint statement by: International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Mr. President,

Despite all efforts by the international community to halt the relocation of the US Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, this relocation took place on May 14th.. To choose the 14th of May as the day for the official opening of the Embassy shows a complete lack of respect and empathy towards the plight of the Palestinian people, who honor the more than 700.000 Palestinians who fled or were expelled from their homes in the 1948 war on the 15th of May.

Even tough the US might have recognized Jerusalem as official capital of Israel and thus further distancing Palestine's connection towards Jerusalem, in direct violation of several UN resolutions with regard to the City of Jerusalem. EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice believe that the US are no longer, or never have been hones peace brokers in the Israel/Palestine conflict, however, it does not change the internationally recognized status of Jerusalem.

While the deteriorating situation of human rights in Palestine persists over the decades there is little to no accountability whatsoever against the perpetrators and no justice for the victims under the occupation, which includes continuous demolitions and punitive demolitions, serious human rights abuses and grave violence, and deprivation of basic rights and dignity.

Israel maintains entrenched discriminatory systems that treat Palestinians unequally. Its prolonged occupation of the West Bank and Gaza involves systematic rights abuses, including collective punishment, routine use of excessive lethal force, and prolonged administrative detention without charge or trial for hundreds.We Urge the U.N. to ensure protection for the Palestinian people, and to take all necessary measures to finally bring an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine.

Thank you.

HRC 38th Session: Item 7 General Debate - Sheefa Shaik, 2 July 2018
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General Debate under Agenda Item: 7

Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories

2 July 2018

Joint statement by: International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Mr. President,

Despite all efforts by the international community to halt the relocation of the US Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, this relocation took place on May 14th.. To choose the 14th of May as the day for the official opening of the Embassy shows a complete lack of respect and empathy towards the plight of the Palestinian people, who honor the more than 700.000 Palestinians who fled or were expelled from their homes in the 1948 war on the 15th of May.

Even tough the US might have recognized Jerusalem as official capital of Israel and thus further distancing Palestine's connection towards Jerusalem, in direct violation of several UN resolutions with regard to the City of Jerusalem. EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice believe that the US are no longer, or never have been hones peace brokers in the Israel/Palestine conflict, however, it does not change the internationally recognized status of Jerusalem.

While the deteriorating situation of human rights in Palestine persists over the decades there is little to no accountability whatsoever against the perpetrators and no justice for the victims under the occupation, which includes continuous demolitions and punitive demolitions, serious human rights abuses and grave violence, and deprivation of basic rights and dignity.

Israel maintains entrenched discriminatory systems that treat Palestinians unequally. Its prolonged occupation of the West Bank and Gaza involves systematic rights abuses, including collective punishment, routine use of excessive lethal force, and prolonged administrative detention without charge or trial for hundreds.We Urge the U.N. to ensure protection for the Palestinian people, and to take all necessary measures to finally bring an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine.

Thank you.

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