HRC 38th Session: Item 6 UPR Consideration on Mali - Mutua K. Kobia, 28 June 2018

Consideration of the Universal Periodic Review outcome of Mali (A/HRC/38/7)

Agenda Item:6 - Universal periodic review

28 June, 2018

Joint statement by: International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)


Thank you Mr. President,

EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice welcomes the UPR report on Mali and commends the state on maintaining a moratorium on the death penalty and encourages the continual action to combat impunity, and the worst forms of child labour. Additionally, we congratulate Mali for its endorsement of Security Council resolution 1325 relating to women’s participation in conflict management, the prevention and resolution of conflicts and the commitment to protect human rights defenders and specific protections for women human rights defenders and encourage and support Mali to fully implement these measures at all levels.

We acknowledge the challenges faced in the fight against terrorism and security concerns especially in the Sahel region. While the implementation of Resolution 2391 has been swift, there are unfortunately serious concerns over allegations of human rights abuses and violations related to the Joint Force of the Group of Five, which deserves investigation and justice towards the victims. On that note, the established military court in response to the allegations must uphold international human rights standards and in compliance with human rights law.

To this end and in addressing and combatting terrorism, transnational crimes, and internal conflicts we urge the government of Mali to commit to dialogue in pursuit of peaceful resolutions; with regards to increasing security measures we call for enhanced, constructive collaboration and solidarity with the international community and all relevant UN bodies.

In conclusion, Mr. President, we appreciate the efforts and commitments of Mali to the universal periodic review.  

Thank you

HRC 38th Session: Item 6 UPR Consideration on Mali - Mutua K. Kobia, 28 June 2018
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Consideration of the Universal Periodic Review outcome of Mali (A/HRC/38/7)

Agenda Item:6 - Universal periodic review

28 June, 2018

Joint statement by: International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)


Thank you Mr. President,

EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice welcomes the UPR report on Mali and commends the state on maintaining a moratorium on the death penalty and encourages the continual action to combat impunity, and the worst forms of child labour. Additionally, we congratulate Mali for its endorsement of Security Council resolution 1325 relating to women’s participation in conflict management, the prevention and resolution of conflicts and the commitment to protect human rights defenders and specific protections for women human rights defenders and encourage and support Mali to fully implement these measures at all levels.

We acknowledge the challenges faced in the fight against terrorism and security concerns especially in the Sahel region. While the implementation of Resolution 2391 has been swift, there are unfortunately serious concerns over allegations of human rights abuses and violations related to the Joint Force of the Group of Five, which deserves investigation and justice towards the victims. On that note, the established military court in response to the allegations must uphold international human rights standards and in compliance with human rights law.

To this end and in addressing and combatting terrorism, transnational crimes, and internal conflicts we urge the government of Mali to commit to dialogue in pursuit of peaceful resolutions; with regards to increasing security measures we call for enhanced, constructive collaboration and solidarity with the international community and all relevant UN bodies.

In conclusion, Mr. President, we appreciate the efforts and commitments of Mali to the universal periodic review.  

Thank you

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