HRC 38th Session: Item 4 General Debate - Sheefa Shaik, 27 June 2018

General Debate under Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention

27 June, 2018

Joint statement by: International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discriminaiton (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Mr. President,

Unjustifiable acts around the globe, many of which infringe upon human rights, are carried out under the pretext of combating terrorism. In today's world, the fight against terrorism is of the utmost importance. However, we should never allow a fight to condone infringements on human rights, this would mean we are fighting against humanity.

In Iraq specifically, systematic, and grave human rights violations are committed against the civilians. The authorities justify these actions by accusing the citizens of being terrorists or related to terror activities, whereas the reality is entirely unalike. Examples of these violations include mass campaigns of arbitrary arrests, disproportional violence against peaceful protesters, lack of fair trials, and the retrieval of confessions under torture.

The fight against terrorism has egregiously overlooked international human rights law. New policies aimed at reducing terrorism are worded vaguely, and ultimately work against the people who they are designed to protect. Nations should be able to follow an anti-terrorism agenda to protect their populations, but their counter-terrorist measures need to comply with fundamental international principles.

Distinguished delegates,

We come here together to stress the importance of human rights, each one of your countries is party to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Isn’t it time to hold true to your word?

Isn’t it time we begin to recognize the fundamental human rights of those living in conflict affected areas? The fight against terrorism is tremendously important, but it will be impossible to succeed if the governments themselves disregard international human rights standards.

Thank you.

HRC 38th Session: Item 4 General Debate - Sheefa Shaik, 27 June 2018
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General Debate under Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention

27 June, 2018

Joint statement by: International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discriminaiton (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)

Mr. President,

Unjustifiable acts around the globe, many of which infringe upon human rights, are carried out under the pretext of combating terrorism. In today's world, the fight against terrorism is of the utmost importance. However, we should never allow a fight to condone infringements on human rights, this would mean we are fighting against humanity.

In Iraq specifically, systematic, and grave human rights violations are committed against the civilians. The authorities justify these actions by accusing the citizens of being terrorists or related to terror activities, whereas the reality is entirely unalike. Examples of these violations include mass campaigns of arbitrary arrests, disproportional violence against peaceful protesters, lack of fair trials, and the retrieval of confessions under torture.

The fight against terrorism has egregiously overlooked international human rights law. New policies aimed at reducing terrorism are worded vaguely, and ultimately work against the people who they are designed to protect. Nations should be able to follow an anti-terrorism agenda to protect their populations, but their counter-terrorist measures need to comply with fundamental international principles.

Distinguished delegates,

We come here together to stress the importance of human rights, each one of your countries is party to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Isn’t it time to hold true to your word?

Isn’t it time we begin to recognize the fundamental human rights of those living in conflict affected areas? The fight against terrorism is tremendously important, but it will be impossible to succeed if the governments themselves disregard international human rights standards.

Thank you.

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