37th Session: Item 10: General Debate - Ms. Alessandra Zanzi, 22 March 2018

Agenda Item 10: General Debate:

- Technical assistance and capacity-building.

Thank you, Mr. President,

Yemen has been living in an ongoing civil war since 2014, which has now reached more than 1000 days of conflict and has quickly escalated into an extreme humanitarian crisis.

The Yemeni population has been strongly exposed to malnutrition and the country’s healthcare system has been devastated by this conflict. In addition, various epidemics, such as cholera, have spread, and a high number of individuals have been surviving only on humanitarian aid and assistance.

During these years of war, many people have been facing multiple human rights violations, such as enforced disappearances and abductions, and numerous civilians have been victims of indiscriminate attacks. In this context women and children are particularly vulnerable and need special protection.

International-lawyers.org and Geneva International Centre for Justice urge the international community to increase their efforts to achieve lasting peace in the country and call for a political solution, as the most effective and best way to reach the end of this crisis.

In the meantime, it is of vital importance to develop more effective strategies to alleviate the prolonged civilian suffering. To this end, we must enhance international cooperation and joint technical assistance by the relevant actors, notably to facilitate the full, safe and unhindered access of humanitarian aid to all parts of the country.

Thank you.

37th Session: Item 10: General Debate - Ms. Alessandra Zanzi, 22 March 2018
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Agenda Item 10: General Debate:

- Technical assistance and capacity-building.

Thank you, Mr. President,

Yemen has been living in an ongoing civil war since 2014, which has now reached more than 1000 days of conflict and has quickly escalated into an extreme humanitarian crisis.

The Yemeni population has been strongly exposed to malnutrition and the country’s healthcare system has been devastated by this conflict. In addition, various epidemics, such as cholera, have spread, and a high number of individuals have been surviving only on humanitarian aid and assistance.

During these years of war, many people have been facing multiple human rights violations, such as enforced disappearances and abductions, and numerous civilians have been victims of indiscriminate attacks. In this context women and children are particularly vulnerable and need special protection.

International-lawyers.org and Geneva International Centre for Justice urge the international community to increase their efforts to achieve lasting peace in the country and call for a political solution, as the most effective and best way to reach the end of this crisis.

In the meantime, it is of vital importance to develop more effective strategies to alleviate the prolonged civilian suffering. To this end, we must enhance international cooperation and joint technical assistance by the relevant actors, notably to facilitate the full, safe and unhindered access of humanitarian aid to all parts of the country.

Thank you.

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