37th Session: Item 7: General Debate - Mr. Mutua K. Kobia, 20 March 2018

Agenda Item 7: General Debate:

- Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories.

Thank you,

Mr. President, EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice wish to call attention to the consequences of the Israeli illegal settlement activities on the Palestinian civilian population, which have been taking place since 1967.

These actions do not only have an impact by changing the demographic composition of the occupied Palestinian territory, but also gravely affect Palestinians’ quality of life as well as their enjoyment of the most basic human rights. Additionally, women’s mental health is gravely affected by the exposure to frequent military incursions and intense violence.

Land confiscation and house demolitions, which have been used by Israel to create and consolidate settlements, have forced a high number of Palestinians to leave their homes and properties. This has led to extensive internal displacement.

Through land confiscation, many Palestinians are deprived of their most important means of livelihood. Agriculture is in fact an important livelihood for a high number of individuals, especially for the population living in Area C, whose economic activity is principally based on herding and farming activities.

In addition, these illegal activities have a strong negative impact on Palestinians’ right to education and access to healthcare, which are two of the most basic human rights.

We call on the international community and the Council to take all necessary measures to finally halt the illegal settlement activities that exposes Palestinians to a high degree of vulnerability and violates their inalienable rights, such as their right to self-determination and right of return to their homes and properties.

Thank you.

37th Session: Item 7: General Debate - Mr. Mutua K. Kobia, 20 March 2018
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Agenda Item 7: General Debate:

- Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories.

Thank you,

Mr. President, EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice wish to call attention to the consequences of the Israeli illegal settlement activities on the Palestinian civilian population, which have been taking place since 1967.

These actions do not only have an impact by changing the demographic composition of the occupied Palestinian territory, but also gravely affect Palestinians’ quality of life as well as their enjoyment of the most basic human rights. Additionally, women’s mental health is gravely affected by the exposure to frequent military incursions and intense violence.

Land confiscation and house demolitions, which have been used by Israel to create and consolidate settlements, have forced a high number of Palestinians to leave their homes and properties. This has led to extensive internal displacement.

Through land confiscation, many Palestinians are deprived of their most important means of livelihood. Agriculture is in fact an important livelihood for a high number of individuals, especially for the population living in Area C, whose economic activity is principally based on herding and farming activities.

In addition, these illegal activities have a strong negative impact on Palestinians’ right to education and access to healthcare, which are two of the most basic human rights.

We call on the international community and the Council to take all necessary measures to finally halt the illegal settlement activities that exposes Palestinians to a high degree of vulnerability and violates their inalienable rights, such as their right to self-determination and right of return to their homes and properties.

Thank you.

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