37th Session: Item 4: ID with Commission on South Sudan - Mr. Mutua K. Kobia, 13 March 2018

Agenda Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with:

- Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan (A/HRC/37/71)

Mr. President,

The situation in South Sudan is deeply alarming to EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice as we are especially concerned about the grave humanitarian situation, numerous violent attacks including sexual and gender based violence, and various human rights abuses and the hundreds of thousands of residents forced to flee their homes and communities in search of refuge within the country and across its borders. Worse still, reports indicate that in many instances their villages are looted and torched leaving IDPs and refugees without a home to return to.

Emergence of new armed groups is caused by the spread of on-going violence further endangering the lives of many more civilians. The scale and severity of atrocities committed against civilians amount to crimes against humanity and without adequate assistance, advice, and support by the international community perpetrators will continue to enjoy impunity.

We welcome the report by the Commission but ask whether serious consideration was taken in investigating and addressing root cause of the power struggle and conflict at large?

External influences such as the role of transnational and international oil companies, alleged arms trade, and other internal influences such as corruption within the government must seriously be taken into consideration and investigated with means of accountability as their actions and operations are directly linked and contribute to the on-going abuses, violence, and violation of human rights in South Sudan.

Moreover, addressing these root cause are in line with the Commission’s mandate and is absolutely crucial in ensuring adequate recommendations to prevent further deterioration of the situation with a view to its improvement and for sound transitional justice, truth and reconciliation.

We recommend the Commission to:

•    Fully Investigate and identify relevant root causes to prevent further violations, build accountability, and ensure protection of human rights and well-being of the people of South Sudan.

•    Investigate elements and effects of corruption at all levels.  

The East African community and the African Union to:

•    Enhance and provide humanitarian support for South Sudanese victims and refugees.

Thank you,

37th Session: Item 4: ID with Commission on South Sudan - Mr. Mutua K. Kobia, 13 March 2018
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Agenda Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with:

- Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan (A/HRC/37/71)

Mr. President,

The situation in South Sudan is deeply alarming to EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice as we are especially concerned about the grave humanitarian situation, numerous violent attacks including sexual and gender based violence, and various human rights abuses and the hundreds of thousands of residents forced to flee their homes and communities in search of refuge within the country and across its borders. Worse still, reports indicate that in many instances their villages are looted and torched leaving IDPs and refugees without a home to return to.

Emergence of new armed groups is caused by the spread of on-going violence further endangering the lives of many more civilians. The scale and severity of atrocities committed against civilians amount to crimes against humanity and without adequate assistance, advice, and support by the international community perpetrators will continue to enjoy impunity.

We welcome the report by the Commission but ask whether serious consideration was taken in investigating and addressing root cause of the power struggle and conflict at large?

External influences such as the role of transnational and international oil companies, alleged arms trade, and other internal influences such as corruption within the government must seriously be taken into consideration and investigated with means of accountability as their actions and operations are directly linked and contribute to the on-going abuses, violence, and violation of human rights in South Sudan.

Moreover, addressing these root cause are in line with the Commission’s mandate and is absolutely crucial in ensuring adequate recommendations to prevent further deterioration of the situation with a view to its improvement and for sound transitional justice, truth and reconciliation.

We recommend the Commission to:

•    Fully Investigate and identify relevant root causes to prevent further violations, build accountability, and ensure protection of human rights and well-being of the people of South Sudan.

•    Investigate elements and effects of corruption at all levels.  

The East African community and the African Union to:

•    Enhance and provide humanitarian support for South Sudanese victims and refugees.

Thank you,

GICJ Newsletter