36th Session of the Human Rights Council - UPR Finland - Ms. Jennifer D. Tapia 21 September 2017

Agenda Item 6: UPR Review - Consideration of the Outcome of Finland

21 September 2017

INTLawyers and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) note the UPR report for Finland.    

We welcome Finland’s efforts to respect human rights and the fact that it has always been open and relatively transparent in its efforts to ensure respect for human rights as well as in confronting its short comings.

We also note the constructive engagement of Finland in international forums and the contributions of person like Bengt Broms and Asbjørn Eide who contributed much to securing a world based on the rule of law. It is with respect for the legacy these and many other prominent Finish statespersons have helped build for a world order based on the rule of law that we urge Finland to set a good example for Europe and ratify without delay the Nuclear Weapons Ban treaty which has just been opened for signature and ratification this week in New York. By taking such a courageous step Finland can be a beacon of hope for achieving the right to peace for all and provide not just a good, but an excellent practice in the intertwining field of human rights and world peace—two of the most prominent goals of the United Nations.

36th Session of the Human Rights Council - UPR Finland - Ms. Jennifer D. Tapia 21 September 2017
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Agenda Item 6: UPR Review - Consideration of the Outcome of Finland

21 September 2017

INTLawyers and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) note the UPR report for Finland.    

We welcome Finland’s efforts to respect human rights and the fact that it has always been open and relatively transparent in its efforts to ensure respect for human rights as well as in confronting its short comings.

We also note the constructive engagement of Finland in international forums and the contributions of person like Bengt Broms and Asbjørn Eide who contributed much to securing a world based on the rule of law. It is with respect for the legacy these and many other prominent Finish statespersons have helped build for a world order based on the rule of law that we urge Finland to set a good example for Europe and ratify without delay the Nuclear Weapons Ban treaty which has just been opened for signature and ratification this week in New York. By taking such a courageous step Finland can be a beacon of hope for achieving the right to peace for all and provide not just a good, but an excellent practice in the intertwining field of human rights and world peace—two of the most prominent goals of the United Nations.

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