36th Session of the Human Rights Council - GD Item 6 - Ms. Tagrid Jabarin-Jassar 25 September 2017

General Debate Item 6: Universal Periodic Review

25 September 2017

Thank you Mr. President,

This is a joint statement with Geneva International Centre for Justice.

During Israel’s delayed UPR held in October 2013, Member States recommended the State party to cease its discriminatory and inhuman policies and practices disproportionately affecting the Palestinian population. In striking disregard of all relevant UPR recommendations, Israel has instead perpetuated policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid as legally defined in instruments of international law.

Contrary to appeals by Member States, Israel continues to violate Palestinians’ right to life and security of person, particularly through excessive and the failure to hold perpetrators accountable. Israeli forces violently disperse peaceful protests to repress Palestinian opposition to the occupation, execute extrajudicial killings and launch massive military operations that cause unquantifiable loss and suffering.

Contrary to UPR recommendations, Israel persists in its decade-old illegal blockade on Gaza, which has completely paralyzed economic development, has deepened socioeconomic hardship, and has hurled Gaza into a protracted humanitarian and human rights crisis.

To finally end the plight of the Palestinian people and pave the way for just peace, we call upon the international community to abide by their international obligations. It must take all necessary measures to finally end the prolonged occupation and institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians and to fulfill their right to national self-determination.

Thank you.

36th Session of the Human Rights Council - GD Item 6 - Ms. Tagrid Jabarin-Jassar 25 September 2017
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General Debate Item 6: Universal Periodic Review

25 September 2017

Thank you Mr. President,

This is a joint statement with Geneva International Centre for Justice.

During Israel’s delayed UPR held in October 2013, Member States recommended the State party to cease its discriminatory and inhuman policies and practices disproportionately affecting the Palestinian population. In striking disregard of all relevant UPR recommendations, Israel has instead perpetuated policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid as legally defined in instruments of international law.

Contrary to appeals by Member States, Israel continues to violate Palestinians’ right to life and security of person, particularly through excessive and the failure to hold perpetrators accountable. Israeli forces violently disperse peaceful protests to repress Palestinian opposition to the occupation, execute extrajudicial killings and launch massive military operations that cause unquantifiable loss and suffering.

Contrary to UPR recommendations, Israel persists in its decade-old illegal blockade on Gaza, which has completely paralyzed economic development, has deepened socioeconomic hardship, and has hurled Gaza into a protracted humanitarian and human rights crisis.

To finally end the plight of the Palestinian people and pave the way for just peace, we call upon the international community to abide by their international obligations. It must take all necessary measures to finally end the prolonged occupation and institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians and to fulfill their right to national self-determination.

Thank you.

GICJ Newsletter