GICJ Executive Director on the recent “Liberation” campaign in Mosul, Iraq

Mr. Naji Haraj, Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) Executive Director is being interviewed on the recent “Liberation” campaign in Mosul, Iraq. He specifically talks about the destruction of the historic city of Mosul, which was done at the hands of ISIS, the Iraqi government and the US-led International Coalition. The indiscriminate shelling, bombings, and airstrikes struck the heart of the city destroying historical sites and monuments. Furthermore, the assault was carried out in residential and populated areas - destroying the city’s entire infrastructure including educational institutions, hospitals and health facilities – and during the campaign the government of Iraq failed to ensure the safety of civilians. The Coalition and the Iraqi government were fully aware that the assaults and airstrikes targeted these areas causing irreparable damage and inflicting causalities among the population in the residential areas, but nevertheless they continued their indiscriminate raiding and bombing in those heavily populated areas. Such actions violate international law and international humanitarian law including other internationally recognized conventions such as the Geneva Convention and its Additional Protocols.

Furthermore, armed and pro-government militias also committed grave crimes against humanity and violated international standards regarding treatment of captives by administering torture and summary executions. Mr. Haraj goes on to say that image and video footage surfaced illustrating these grave crimes. Despite the full awareness by the Iraqi government and the Coalition forces of such crimes and atrocities the perpetrators enjoyed impunity and no perpetrator to date has been held to account. In this regard, he reiterated the numerous calls by GICJ to the competent UN-bodies, to establish an Ad Hoc International Criminal Court in which all perpetrators should face justice regardless of their nationality or loyalty. As the campaign continued and worsened the Iraqi government failed at all costs to protect the civilians of Mosul and failed in providing them secure and reliable passage routes to safety.

During the campaign, Mr. Haraj explained that GICJ and other NGOs, fully condemned the manner in which the so-called “liberation” campaign was carried out that has led to millions of displaced persons and many more without adequate and basic needs such as food, water, and shelter. He also mentioned that the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Zeid Ra’ad al Hussein, as well as other United Nations bodies, and the international community have called on the Iraqi forces and the US-led Coalition to respect International Humanitarian Law and avoid inflicting more suffering on the civilians. Additionally, serious questions remain about the role of the Iraqi government when considering the dire post-conflict humanitarian situation in Mosul. In this instance, Mr. Haraj and GICJ has again called on the international community to address the plight of civilians in Mosul in terms of humanitarian needs and redress, and to hold all perpetrators accountable.

GICJ Executive Director on the recent “Liberation” campaign in Mosul, Iraq
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Mr. Naji Haraj, Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) Executive Director is being interviewed on the recent “Liberation” campaign in Mosul, Iraq. He specifically talks about the destruction of the historic city of Mosul, which was done at the hands of ISIS, the Iraqi government and the US-led International Coalition. The indiscriminate shelling, bombings, and airstrikes struck the heart of the city destroying historical sites and monuments. Furthermore, the assault was carried out in residential and populated areas - destroying the city’s entire infrastructure including educational institutions, hospitals and health facilities – and during the campaign the government of Iraq failed to ensure the safety of civilians. The Coalition and the Iraqi government were fully aware that the assaults and airstrikes targeted these areas causing irreparable damage and inflicting causalities among the population in the residential areas, but nevertheless they continued their indiscriminate raiding and bombing in those heavily populated areas. Such actions violate international law and international humanitarian law including other internationally recognized conventions such as the Geneva Convention and its Additional Protocols.

Furthermore, armed and pro-government militias also committed grave crimes against humanity and violated international standards regarding treatment of captives by administering torture and summary executions. Mr. Haraj goes on to say that image and video footage surfaced illustrating these grave crimes. Despite the full awareness by the Iraqi government and the Coalition forces of such crimes and atrocities the perpetrators enjoyed impunity and no perpetrator to date has been held to account. In this regard, he reiterated the numerous calls by GICJ to the competent UN-bodies, to establish an Ad Hoc International Criminal Court in which all perpetrators should face justice regardless of their nationality or loyalty. As the campaign continued and worsened the Iraqi government failed at all costs to protect the civilians of Mosul and failed in providing them secure and reliable passage routes to safety.

During the campaign, Mr. Haraj explained that GICJ and other NGOs, fully condemned the manner in which the so-called “liberation” campaign was carried out that has led to millions of displaced persons and many more without adequate and basic needs such as food, water, and shelter. He also mentioned that the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Zeid Ra’ad al Hussein, as well as other United Nations bodies, and the international community have called on the Iraqi forces and the US-led Coalition to respect International Humanitarian Law and avoid inflicting more suffering on the civilians. Additionally, serious questions remain about the role of the Iraqi government when considering the dire post-conflict humanitarian situation in Mosul. In this instance, Mr. Haraj and GICJ has again called on the international community to address the plight of civilians in Mosul in terms of humanitarian needs and redress, and to hold all perpetrators accountable.

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