35th Session of the Human Rights Council - GD Item: 3 - Ms Giulia Squadrin 14 June 2017

General Debate Under Item 3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

Thank you, Mr. President

This is a joint statement of EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice.

Our organizations would like to call the Council’s attention on the deteriorating human rights situation in Iraq and Syria.

Following the U.S-led invasion and subsequent occupation, Iraq has entered a spiral of violence and impunity that has been further exacerbated by the advance of Daesh and by the reckless fight against terrorism. In fact, while violent terrorism must be opposed and condemned, the Iraqi security forces – supported by the militias and the U.S-led coalition –  are indiscriminately targeting civilian households and properties, and are committing brutal abuses, including torture, rape, summary execution and enforced disappearance under the pretext of fighting ISIS. Furthermore, the Iraqi government is using the death penalty as a means of political repression, and continues to arbitrarily detain and kill innocent civilians on pure sectarian basis. Therefore, our organizations call on this Council to immediately dispatch an independent commission of inquiry to investigate into all violations committed during “liberation” campaigns by militias and governmental forces.

The conditions of defenseless civilians are, if possible, even worse in Syria, where the indiscriminate bombing and attacks committed by governmental forces, rebel groups and terrorist organizations have caused the death of over 400.000 persons, and have provoked one of the largest waves of displacement of the last decades. Moreover, the violence of the conflict is being further exacerbated by the employment of prohibited weapons and by brutal attacks committed in concomitance of the UN-led peace talks. As such, our organizations call on the international community to intensify the efforts aimed at protecting civilians and at achieving lasting peaceful solutions.

Thank you

35th Session of the Human Rights Council - GD Item: 3 - Ms Giulia Squadrin 14 June 2017
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General Debate Under Item 3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

Thank you, Mr. President

This is a joint statement of EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice.

Our organizations would like to call the Council’s attention on the deteriorating human rights situation in Iraq and Syria.

Following the U.S-led invasion and subsequent occupation, Iraq has entered a spiral of violence and impunity that has been further exacerbated by the advance of Daesh and by the reckless fight against terrorism. In fact, while violent terrorism must be opposed and condemned, the Iraqi security forces – supported by the militias and the U.S-led coalition –  are indiscriminately targeting civilian households and properties, and are committing brutal abuses, including torture, rape, summary execution and enforced disappearance under the pretext of fighting ISIS. Furthermore, the Iraqi government is using the death penalty as a means of political repression, and continues to arbitrarily detain and kill innocent civilians on pure sectarian basis. Therefore, our organizations call on this Council to immediately dispatch an independent commission of inquiry to investigate into all violations committed during “liberation” campaigns by militias and governmental forces.

The conditions of defenseless civilians are, if possible, even worse in Syria, where the indiscriminate bombing and attacks committed by governmental forces, rebel groups and terrorist organizations have caused the death of over 400.000 persons, and have provoked one of the largest waves of displacement of the last decades. Moreover, the violence of the conflict is being further exacerbated by the employment of prohibited weapons and by brutal attacks committed in concomitance of the UN-led peace talks. As such, our organizations call on the international community to intensify the efforts aimed at protecting civilians and at achieving lasting peaceful solutions.

Thank you

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