The violence against women constitutes a violation of their human rights and fundamental freedoms, thus imparing their enjoyment of these rights.
Through contacts with Governments, treaty bodies, specialized agencies, Special Rapporteurs, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, the Special Rapporteur gather information on violence against women, its causes and consequences, and respond effectively to such information. In view of the situation, the Special Rapporteur recommends measures, ways and means at the local, national, regional and international levels to eliminate all forms of violence against women and its causes, and to remedy its consequences. In his/her activities, the Special Rapporteur cooperates with all special procedures and other human rights mechanisms of the Human Rights Council and with the treaty bodies, which must integrate the human rights of women and a gender perspective into their work, and cooperate closely with the Commission on the Status of Women in the discharge of its functions. In the fulfillment of his/her mandate, the Special Rapporteur adopts a comprehensive and universal approach to the elimination of violence against women, its causes and consequences, including causes relating to the civil, cultural, economic, political and social spheres.
The mandate of the Special Rapporteur comprises 3 parts:
a)Transmitting urgent appeals and communications to States regarding alleged cases of violence against women. The allegations may concern one or more individuals or may convey information relating to a general prevailing situation condoning and/or perpetrating violence against women. The transmission of allegation does not imply any kind of accusation or value judgment on the part of the Special Rapporteur, but rather a request for clarification with a view to trying to ensure, along with the government concerned, the effective prevention, investigation, and punishment of acts of violence against women and compensation for victims of such violations. Two forms of communication are transmitted to Governments concerned:
Urgent appeals: the Special Rapporteur transmits urgent appeal when reliable and credible information is received concerning cases which involve an imminent threat, or fear of threat, to the right to personal integrity or the life of the women. The Special Rapporteur appeals to the Governments concerned to ensure effective protection of those under threat or at risk of violence.
Allegation letters: for communications that do not require urgent action but related to violations that already occurred and/or to general patterns of violations, the Special Rapporteur sends allegation letters requiring Governments to clarify the substance of the allegations received.
When submitting cases to the Special Rapporteur, it is crucial to provide as much information as possible. The individual complaint form can be used to that purpose. A summary, identifying the rights that have been or may be violated, would be helpful to the Special Rapporteur. If the government concerned has ratified human rights treaties, it is possible to refer in first instance to their specific provisions in case of violation.
When the information submitted concerns laws, practices or policies that effect women in general or women in a specific group, the information should include an explanation of how other women are affected or a description of the group. A consistent patter in individual cases can be used to demonstrate a general failure to prevent and respond to private abuses.
If the information concerned cases of violations committed by private individuals or groups, it should include any information that might indicate that the government failed to prevent, investigate, punish and ensure compensation for the victims. Sources are required to communicate to the Special Rapporteur any information they might receive after having transmitted the case.
b)Undertaking country-visits: the Special Rapporteur conducts country visits, either separately or with other special rapporteurs, independent experts and working groups.
c)Submitting annual thematic reports: the Special Rapporteur submits a reports on his/her activities and themes analyzed during the mandate.