GICJ Oral Statement with Meezaan Center for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice

Delivered by Martin Browne / GICJ

On Tuesday 20th of September, Martin Browne delivered an oral statement on behalf of Meeazaan Center for Human Rights and GICJ. 

Welcoming the work of the working group, he condemned the lack of full engagement from States with the essential work of the committee.  Martin urged States to refrain from exploiting technology to track down human rights defenders, and called for more regulation on the same. On the flip side, he highlighted the positive use of new technology when coming to document, investigate and share information about the location of detention facilities, burial sites and disappeared persons. 

On behalf of Meezaan and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ), Martin urged the Iraqi State to finally give the families of the disappeared access to essential information about the person’s whereabouts, detention facilities, and burial sites to facilitate effective investigation.

HRC51, Human Rights Council, Enforced Disappearances, Human Rights Violations, Working Group, Iraq, Justice, Human Rights, Geneva, Geneva4justice, GICJ, International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, Geneva International Centre for Justice

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